Principal's report

Greeting to all the student, staff and families of MPWPS


Well, I have almost been here a full week and I am delighted to make comment on the student population and their eagerness to learn and be leaders.  This is wonderful to see and I hope to continue their growth through my leadership of the school.

It has been pleasing for me to acknowledge the openness of staff and their welcoming nature.  Starting in a school at this time is not easy, and for staff a new leader can cause a ‘ripple’ in what might be a settled pond!  I look forward to sharing our collective development with you all.

School Pick-Up/Drop off Zones: 

Just a couple of reminders to Parents and Carers who use such a zone.  It is important that safety is front of mind when using these zone so please ensure:

  • Children get into or out of the vehicle quickly so that you can move through this zone with efficiency.  I suggest bags in the back with the student as getting bags from the rear of the car can be time consuming
  • It is preferable for drivers to stay in the car for efficiency and speedy transfer.
  • If the Pick-Up/Drop off Zone is full the desired behaviour is to ‘do a lap’ and re-enter when a space becomes available. If you form a queue this is inconvenient for other drivers who may pass (aghhh) or move into the other carriageway to get passed this zone.
  • Safety is most important and so I request your help ensuring these areas are safe for all.

I am also investigating the extension of the Eglington Street Pick-Up/Drop off Zone.  We will see what happens with this request.   Keep you posted!

The New Toilet Block

We are moving along with the drawings for the new toilet block.  The allocated funding for this project was announced in the 2017-18 State Budget 1.1 billion education package.  The Working Party has been diligent is getting the best possible outcome, and I am pleased that students from the school were consulted for their direction re the project focus and input into relevant detail.

Getting to Know Staff

Over this week I have been meeting with staff individually to get to know their passions and opinions.  I plan to meet with all staff over the next weeks and provide feedback on collective ideas for the way forward.  As Principal I want the operations of the school to be supportive of effective and efficient practices, leading to a strong student learning and engagement. 


Well that’s about it from me for this week.

Until we meet in person

Yours sincerely

Kerri Simpson

Principal (Acting)

Notices Home

Monday 21st May

  • AEDC Parent Information - Prep students

Tuesday 22nd May

  • Student Attitudes to School Survey - Years 4-6
  • Imax/Melbourne Museum Excursion - 3/4 Team

Wednesday 23rd May

  • Scienceworks Excursion 1/2 Team