Student Wellbeing

Mrs Rebecca Beveridge

What a fantastic three weeks we have had being back at school! Seeing our students settling back into our school routines and having fun with their friends has been so wonderful!

Friendship Groups

This term for Friendship Groups, we will explore 'Social thinking'. “Social thinking” or thinking socially refers to a process we all go through in our minds as we try to make sense of our own and others’ thoughts, feelings, and intentions in context, whether we are co-existing, actively interacting, or figuring out what is happening from a distance. In our 


In Friendship Group lessons, we will explore the language of 'Social thinking' and how to read social situations. We aim to help the students learn explicitly how to engage in social information processing and attend, interpret, problem-solve and respond in any situation.

Respectful Relationships

Each term at St Joseph's, we engage with a different focus of the program Respectful Relationships. Respectful Relationships is an initiative to support schools to promote and model respect and equality. It also supports educators in teaching children how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence.


This term, each class is doing lessons around problem-solving. These lessons aim to provide students with the skills and strategies to solve problems. Other skills that will be developed are: Recognising the needs and interests of others, Listening to others’ ideas and recognising that others may see things differently, Recognising there are many ways to solve the conflict, Identifying options when making decisions to meet their needs and the needs of others, Identify cooperative behaviours in a range of group activities, Practise individual and group decision making and Practise solving simple interpersonal problems.


It has been excellent to see students displaying respect, responsibility and resilience this term already! We have made an excellent start to our gotcha tower as well!!


In the first two weeks of term, we have been looking at our Behaviour Flowchart, which was developed to provide students with a visual of how teachers can address inappropriate behaviour. Please see our flowchart below.




This week we have been looking at how to be respectful and responsible in specialist classrooms. Each class made a poster for the specialist classrooms to display so that all classes could be reminded of how they can be respectful and responsible. Having these posters creates consistent positive behaviours being displayed.


In the next few weeks, we will be doing activities around resilience using the bounce-back program!

Important resources

I thought I would share some important resources that may be useful or of interest.