As previously mentioned, I will be on leave in Term 3 and Mr Lucio Cicchini, Vice Principal, will be on leave in Term 4. Mr Michael Chiera will be the Acting Vice Principal in Semester 2 and Mr Tony Budas will be the Acting Deputy Principal – Teaching and Learning during this time.
Last week, the College went through the process to appoint an Acting ADP - Year 10 for Semester 2. I am delighted to announce that Ms Michelle Moreton has been appointed to this role. Michelle has previously held the leadership position of Head of Learning Area - Science and is currently the Head of Christian Service Learning and Social Justice. Congratulations, Michelle.
This week, we said farewell to Ms Georgina Isles and to Ms Nicole Xouris. Georgina replaced Mr David Clarke (Media), who has been on leave during Term 1. Nicole replaced Ms Gemma Kidby (HASS), who left earler in the term. We thank Georgina and Nicole for their contribution to the College and I wish them well for their future endeavours.
I also thank Miss Monique Saunders in her role as Acting Head of Health and Physical Education for Term 1. Monique did a fantastic job whilst Mr Luke Skerratt was on leave.
We also wish Mr Scott Andrijasevich (HASS), Mr Luke McQuade (Health and Physical Education) and Ms Tam Nguyen (Mathematics) all the best for their leave in Term 2.
As a reminder to all families, Term 2 commences on Wednesday 26 April for all students. The College Winter Uniform is required from the commencement of term. The full uniform requirements are available HERE and detailed more thoroughly in the Vice Principal's article of this Newsletter.
As of Term 2, the College's Newsletters will continue to be published in its regular format, but on a fortnightly basis. Our aim is to leave the Newsletters open for ‘news’ type information only, with all year group information being posted on SEQTA Engage.
If you have not done so already, I would highly recommended that all parents/caregivers download the SEQTA Engage app. SEQTA Engage is a software application that gives parents/caregivers access to their child’s timetable, assessments, course outlines, marks, reports and other general information. Each user has been given an individual login. SEQTA Engage can be accessed via the web or by downloading the app. SEQTA Engage also has quick links to items such as the Absentee Form, Parent Teacher Online, Online Shop and other frequently used resources.
In Term 2, the College will be adding a Year Group specific page to SEQTA Engage which can be accessed under the 'Portals' menu. Here, you will find news for that particular year group, upcoming dates and PCG teacher contact information. An example of the general Teaching and Learning page is available HERE.
I often reflect that I am very fortunate to lead an outstanding team of teachers and educators who exhibit dedication to their craft. This sentiment has been communicated to me time and time again by members of our community.
Commencing in 1994, the annual National Excellence in Teaching Awards (NEiTA) recognises and honours teachers and leaders who represent excellence. We are very proud at Sacred Heart College to have staff in the past, including retired Principal, Mr Peter Bothe, and Head of GATE, Mrs Tanya Atherton, recognised for their hard work and commitment.
We are now calling on you, our community, to click on the link below and nominate a staff member or team at Sacred Heart that you feel deserves recognition and to show your appreciation.
With the weeks flying by, we are counting down the days to the opening of the 2023 Whole School Production of MAMMA MIA! The excitement is palpable from the students involved and staff in The Arts Department. Support from our families and community has been fantastic, with all shows almost sold out!
There is an old superstition that you never wish theatre performers "good luck" but instead say "break a leg"! Whichever way we say it, the feeling is the same. Every student and staff member involved with this production has gone over and beyond which I am sure will be evident in the upcoming shows. So, to you all, you’ll be great and I wish you all the best.
The last remaining tickets are available below.
I’m sure many of you, like me, are looking forward to the inaugural P&F Car Show on Sunday 7 May commencing at 9.30am on the Oval. I hope to see a big turn out from our community on the day. Once again, thank you to Parent Engagement Coordinator, Mrs Liza Baskovich, for this initiative.
I am also very excited to see that the P&F have also locked in a Quiz Night for Saturday 19 August. In the past this was always a highlight of the College Calendar and I hope our families will support this fun filled night with donations and attendance. More detailed information is available in this Newsletter.
I thank all staff, parents/caregivers and students for a fantastic Term 1. It has been such a positive term with many success stories. This week is a special week in the Church's Liturgical Calendar - Holy Week, which leads to Easter Sunday where we celebrate the risen Christ. Easter is a time for prayer for a better world and to be with family. I wish all our families a very holy and happy Easter celebration and a restful and enjoyable holiday.
God Bless.
Mr Leo Di Gregorio