Our Faith - Religion - Prayer 

St Patrick's Church Walcha 

For Baptism or Marriage enquiries phone Monsignor Ted Wilkes 67784070.


Monsignor Ted Wilkes would like to invite parishioners to Sunday Mass 10am.

Covid-19 restrictions for Mass are in place.


Term 2 Mass Dates

Friday 13th May: Mass and Blessed Exposition at 11.30am

Thursday 26th May: Catholic Schools Week Mass (Armidale) at 11.00am

Friday 10th June: Mass at 11.30am

Friday 24th June: Mass-Feast of the Sacred Heart at 11.30am


Christ is Risen! Alleluia!

It has now nearly been a fortnight since Lent has given way to Easter. We rejoice in the glory of Jesus and the share he has given us in his resurrection. And so we sing over and over, "Alleluia."


Easter is about new life. We rejoice in the new life of Jesus. We rejoice that members of our parish were baptised and confirmed at the Easter Vigil. We rejoice that all of us are nourished by the life of God whenever we share in the Easter sacrament of the Eucharist.


Easter is also about light overcoming darkness. At the Easter Vigil, the paschal candle was lit from the Easter fire and carried into the darkened church. The priest sang "The light of Christ" and the people responded, "Thanks be to God." This new paschal light will burn brightly for the fifty days of Easter. It is a symbol of the risen Jesus, the "Light of the world," whose light was not put out with death but shines now for all believers to see.


Easter is not just one day. It is a whole season of fifty days, which will last until Pentecost. We take even longer to celebrate Easter then we took during Lent to prepare for it. During this time we are reminded over and over how close the risen Jesus is to us.




Prayer - Easter

Loving and glorious God,

we parise you with Easter joy

because Christ is our redeemer.

Christ has broken the power of sin

and healed an injured world.

Christ has made us whole again.

Bless our celebrations and our joy.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. 





Monday, 25 April was ANZAC Day. 

Anzac Day goes beyond the anniversary of the landing on Gallipoli in 1915. It is the day on which we remember Australians who served and died in all wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations. The spirit of Anzac, with its human qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity.





Sacrament Dates for 2022

2022 First Eucharist Date has been set for our Catholic students in Year 3 for Sunday 19th June 2022.


Project Compassion Boxes 

We are encouraged during Lent to give greater attention to those who might be in need. One way we are able to do this is by supporting Project Compassion over the forty days of Lent by making monetary contributions (big or small) to these boxes. 

Can you please ensure that your Project Compassion Boxes are returned back to school by tomorrow?


Thursday 26 May 2022 Armidale Diocese Catholic Schools Week Deanery Mass






Catherine McAuley

Catherine’s spirituality was centred on the mercy of God…prayer in action…action in prayer.