10-12 Campus News

From David Hall

It was Michael McGowan, sub school leader here at the Holloway Road campus who, when talking at an assembly to our year 12 students, used the phrase, ‘Term three is the premiership quarter’.  This is true for all of our students as term three often offers the most conceptually challenging work, having the ability to build on the previous unit, as well as having the pressures that come from impending examinations.   When the Carlton Football club first coined the term last century it meant that big games were won and lost in the third quarter. Back then, Carlton won more third quarters than they lost.  Times have changed.    For us here at Sandringham, Michael’s words were designed to heighten the importance of a drive towards the inevitable culmination to a year of academia.



We have talked this year of high expectations and greater belief.  This needs to be matched with a regimented study program and an authentic work ethic.

‘Build it and they will come’

Movie: Field of Dreams 1989

With the work comes the success.  It may not be immediate, but it will be long lasting.  I am asking all of our students to commit fully to whatever studies they are perusing; both now and later in life.  The short term pain of a possible lack of immediate success is far in a way better than the: ‘should have; could have, would have, didn’t scenario.

I look forward to the weeks to come and continue to expect great things from our Holloway community.


Mr David Hall

Head of School

10 to 12 Campus