Principal's Report
Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of MPWPS,
It has been a fantastic opportunity and pleasure to lead the school while Kerri is away supporting the Department at the moment. Kim Simmons, Jess Greenbaum and Sandra Monaghan, will be supporting throughout this time.
Kerri has been popping in from time to time and I am always around and happy to assist, you can catch me at the gates or through email.
On Friday we wished bon - voyage to Jenny Irvine. Jenny will be taking some time to travel and enjoy a well- earned break. Jenny has sent through her thanks to staff, students and parents for making last week so special.
3-way Conferences
3-way conferences will be held in week 9, starting Monday 22nd March and will run throughout the week. Feedback from the community is WebEx is the way to go, as it provided more flexibility for attending from home. We will be sending out information in the next week or two and providing you access for you to book a time with teachers through Compass. I will communicate when access to the bookings are open.
Changes to start and end of day
With restrictions easing, adults are allowed back onsite from 1st March and can come to the classroom door. When coming onsite please be mindful that a mask is to be with you and preferably worn especially if social distancing cannot be maintained. If onsite for 15 minutes or longer, you will be required to sign in to the school at the office or use the QR code which is displayed around the school.
Gates will continue to open at 8:45am and students will be able to come onsite and get ready to enter their classroom at 8:50am when the bell rings. Student will sanitise when entering the classroom. We do ask student continue using their allocated gates for entry.
F/1 students are able to assembly at their designated areas outside the Hall building. Rooms 3 & 4 near the Little Adventure and Rooms 1,2 and 5 on the Athol Street side.
At the end of the day, all students will be dismissed at 3:20pm. Older siblings can collect younger siblings from the classroom or a designated meeting point. F/1 students will need to be collected from the classroom.
Teachers will continue to roll out to the assigned gates with their class at 3:20pm.
Ongoing Reporting
By now you should have received your first communication for Ongoing Reporting this term, the second one will be coming shortly as well. You will continue to receive ongoing information for the areas of Reading, Writing and Maths for your child each term. There will also be a Progress Report at the end of the term for your child’s behaviour and effort in the class for term. We hope that you are finding this ongoing feedback about our child’s learning beneficial and an important link in the communication between school and home. Staff continue to refine this feedback home so that is as accessible and useful as possible.
The Basket Tea
Finally, our Basket Tea has been rescheduled for Friday 12th March at 5:30pm and I hope that you and your family will be able to attend. It is an opportunity to meet your teacher, other families in your class and year level. It’s BYO everything and we set up on the basketball court and oval. Hopefully the weather stays warm for us, so you can get out your picnic rug and enjoy. Hope to see you there!
Kind regards,
Jarrod Sutton
Assistant Principal (Acting)