School Wide 

Positive Behaviour 

All Settings Matrix


One of the cornerstones of the Sandringham College values is respect, and it is on this premise that teachers approach all interactions with students and the school community. The SWPB (School Wide Positive Behaviours) framework has become an intrinsic part of that approach. Students are explicitly taught what positive behaviours look like, and consistently recognised when they display them. Having explored what it looks like to respect the self and respect others in 2022, our next focus is on respecting the environment. In future weeks, students will be taught what it looks like to respect the environment; this includes the environments of the outside grounds of the school, the community areas, as well as the more usual meanings of the wider environment of the world. As ever, this aligns with our goal of building young people of great character. 

All year levels will encounter the teaching of these behaviours in some form or another, with those new to our school in Year 7 to experience explicit teaching of all areas of the SWPB matrix. We are very keen to work with all students on this next step in our positive behaviours journey, and invite all students and parents to log on to Compass to check the Green Positive posts in the coming weeks. Keep an eye on your letterbox as well – one of the ways we recognise these behaviours is through postcards home, and the first round for 2023 is about to be mailed out!


Brownie Vouchers awarded for displaying College Values, identified through Green Posts at Junior School in week one and two:

Year 7 - Toby Litwinow and Samara Macalan

Year 8 - Evie Taylor and Francine Barbero

Year 9 - Stella Robertson and Anishka Subhawickrama 


If you have any questions or feedback about the SWPB framework, please contact the school and ask for any member of the SWPB team.