Time to Invest

David Hall, Head of the 10-12 Campus

Worried about inflation? Time to invest in your Learning

The habit of good work ethic and solid revision protocols is not born over night.  It can take months to train your body and mind to work to the academic level that is required to maximise your academic outcomes.   In the same way that going from the couch one day to a marathon the next is but a most vague of possibilities, students cannot expect to offer low engagement levels throughout the year and then hope to reach their potential at the year's end.  It simply doesn't work that way.


Could I offer a challenge to our students here at Holloway Road:

  • Raise your hand and offer an answer in each class each day
  • Use the success criteria listed on each class in compass to assess how well you went in any given lesson.
  • Engage with your teacher and ask for help when it is needed.
  • It is okay to ask for more.  Ask your teachers if there is any further extension work available in the area of study.

It is simple enough to develop great learning habits.  Much like training for a marathon, your mechanisms for learning will grow.  Your mind and body will adapt to the increasing strain.  We are all here to support you so make sure you touch base with your Year Level Lead if you need any training tips.


Super SAC Mondays

After listening to feedback from students and parents in regards to the 2022 SAC timetable and its reliance on after school timeslots we have worked to make a change to the way that we will run SAC's for Unit 3 & 4 subjects in 2023. Although there is the need for some after school scheduling (mainly for the English classes and some Mathematics classes), these will be greatly reduced in 2023.   In there place is the Super SAC Monday program. 


The Monday timetable now has each subject for a single period.  It not only allows for an amazing touch base for our students at all levels at the start of the week, but it also allows us to rotate through those periods and use some time for special events: guest speakers, scheduled assemblies and of course some major assessment pieces as well.


Monday March 6th will see the launch of our Super SAC Monday program. Unit 3 & 4 classes are halted during period 3 & 4 to allow disciplines with more than one class: Psychology, English Language, and the occasional subject that simply works within the schedule;  Food Studies SAC's, to be sat.  Any clashes will be run in SAC Centre after school on the same Monday.  Although other SAC's will run during normal class time that week, it is hoped that bringing some of the SAC schedule back into the Monday timetable will ease the burden for our students as they move through their Unit 3 & 4 studies.


Student SAC schedules have been placed on Compass and do appear on individual student compass posts.  




Respect is a mainstay of our college values.  It is at the very heart of our school wide positive behaviors program.  Respect for self - respect for others - respect for our environment.   


Can I take the opportunity to congratulate the students at the Holloway Road Campus.  Each day I see this respect for the school environment grow.   


Respect is best displayed through our actions: using language that is appropriate for a work place, a place of learning; having calm and respectful conversations with our peers and teachers when things don't seem to be going so well; positively supporting our friends when they are need.   This is at the heart of respect.


Thanks again to all for their continued commitment to this aspect of our school community.