Parent and community news 

Thank you to everyone who made the Working Bee our most successful one ever!


Bayside Canteens Flexi Schools Instructions


Parents should be aware that in line with Department of Education guidelines students are not permitted to use their mobile phones anywhere in the school (Classroom or school yard) during the school day.  This includes paying for items at the canteen.  The canteen will not accept phone 'tap and go' payments. Please see attached information about how you can set up a cashless payment system linked to your child's student card. Students in Year 7 and those who have lost their Compass cards will need to pay with cash or an eftpos/credit card until they are issued with a student card.

School Council election - Parent Representatives

Thank you to all the parents who nominated for the Parent Representative positions on the Sandringham College School Council. As the number of nominations exceeded the number of vacancies we are in the process of conducting a ballot.  All parents were posted ballot papers, candidate summaries and instructions for returning their vote on Friday 3rd March.  Please check your mailbox as delivery should occur this week.  Please ensure that you return your completed ballot paper to either Admin office by Monday 20th March at 4.00pm.  Ballot papers returned after this time will not be included in the count.  

Recycle Regatta