Term 2 Week 2



This week in reading we have been focusing on finding the main idea of a text and identifying the author's purpose. We have used the 'Boxes and Bullets' strategy to record the main idea and supporting reasons while reading a range of persuasive texts. Next week we will focus on persuasive language devices such as emotive words, rhetorical questions and exaggeration.  



This week students have been developing their skills in writing to persuade their reader. They have been sequencing their ideas using the OREO structure. This helps students to express their opinion clearly with supporting reasons and explanations. Some students are starting to use paragraphs to help structure their writing. Next week, students will begin looking more closely at persuasive language they can use to make their writing more convincing.




Word Study

Over the past two week we have be learning Rule 18: We use ai and oi in the middle of a word. We use ay and oy at the end of a base word.   Students have participated in a number of 'bootcamps' to practise this rule. Next week we will be learning about Rule 17: FSZL gang. We usually double f, z, s and l if they come after a single vowel and are at the end of a one-syllable word. For example, fluff, buzz, stuff and less all follow this rule.


In Mathematics, this week we have been revisiting the jump strategy and split strategy to solve addition and subtraction problems. In measurement, we have exploring the concept of time. Next week we will continue to focus on telling the time on an analogue clock.  

Unit of Inquiry

We have continued to inquire into the unit ‘Rules and laws support communities’. Through exploration and discussion the students have identified what is a ‘rule’ and a ‘law’ and their differences. This led to the focus of why we have rules and laws in our community and the impact they have on our lives in different settings. Eg. Home, school, community groups.

Focusing on the related concepts of ‘consequences’ and ‘impact’, the students will continue to engage their personal thinking on their responsibility as a citizen in different communities. 


To support our students’ wellbeing in preparation for the NAPLAN testing, teachers have been using Growth Mindset strategies. We have also focused on, and valued the many personal qualities which are developed in each student through learning experiences they have everyday. These include:

As we will further discuss in class we encourage all students to undertake Mindfulness activities of their choice to support their wellbeing as they approach NAPLAN testing in week 4. 


Tuesday 11th May -  Thursday 13th May NAPLAN testing

Thursday 20th May - Lapathon



Grade 3 Team 

Meet the Grade 3 Team 


3A - Heather Jenkins (Mon-Wed)

& Amanda Kerr (Thurs & Fri)




3B - Sylvia Zanati  



3C - Emily Seccull 



3D - Georgia Kirk
