From the R.E.C

Mass Celebrations: 

On Tuesday 8th August a beautiful mass was celebrated for the Feast of Mary Mackillop, Australia's First Saint. 

We will be celebrating the Feast of the Assumption of Mary with a Mass on Tuesday 15th August at 12 midday. Every year Catholics celebrate when Our Blessed Mother was taken up into Heaven body and soul, at the end of her life. 

Family Masses 

The next Family Mass for this term will be celebrated on: 

Saturday 26th August @ 6 p.m.  


It would be lovely if you are available to come along to celebrate with us. Children are invited to participate in the Liturgy, or just to attend.  


Altar Servers

If your child has made their First Holy Communion and would like to participate in this important ministry, please let Mrs Rily know. You are able to nominate Saturday night or Sunday morning Mass as your preference. 


Thank you to the children who give so generously of their time for this important ministry. 


Saturday  19th August  @ 6p.m. : Volunteers please 

Sunday     20th August @ 9a.m. : Volunteers please 


Saturday  26th August  @ 6p.m. : Will and Oliver Longstaff 

Sunday    27th August @ 9a.m. :  Volunteers please 



Judy Rily  REC