Special Person's Day & Learning about Length
Year 1 was super excited about Special Person’s Day. In the morning, we all brainstormed something special that we loved about our special person and wrote them on the whiteboard for them to read. Student took their special people around to the activity stations in the afternoon. They did drawing, make up, painting nails, hand massages, dress up photo booth and decorating their own biscuits with Nutella, sprinkles and marshmallows. Everyone had lots of fun!
Annabelle - My favourite station was doing my Mum’s make up. Pyper - I loved painting my Mum’s nails. Brooklyn - The biscuit I made was so yummy!LEARNING ABOUT LENGTH
This term, students have been learning about length in Numeracy. Students have been looking at formal and informal units of measurement. They have enjoyed measuring different objects in the classroom such as books, tables, furniture and each other using informal units such as counters, icy pole sticks and their hands.
Siena - We learnt that when we measure with our hands we don’t get the same answer because our hands are different sizes. Mason - When we measure with a ruler, it’s the same. Aleks - The couch was 10 hands long.Athena - I had lots of fun measuring my friend with icy pole sticks.