
School Swimming Carnival

On Monday the 24th of February Craigieburn Secondary College had their annual swimming carnival. This day was a great day for students to not only represent themselves but represent their year level and their house colours.

The students competed in a range of swimming events to earn points for their house. Hume (gold) house was the Swimming carnival champions scoring 352! Good luck to all swimmers going through to the next round! Congratulations to the following year level champions:

2007-2008 (12-13)Jesse Bubalovska/ Sarina Shetty
2006 (14)Tyler Malyz/ Charlotte Eales
2005 (15)Deklyn Edmonds/ Ashlee Johnson
2004 (16)John Ranellone/ Jazymn Bubalovska
2003 (17)Jacob Barton/ Taylor Knight
2000-2002 (18-20)

Nathan Prouse/ Virginia Currie 




Congratulations to both our Year 7 Volleyball teams who are through to the Regional Finals!