Principal's Welcome

Principal's Welcome

 Welcome back to all students, staff and parents for the new school year. I would particularly like to warmly welcome our new year 7 students and families as they join our school community and hope that your experiences here will ensure that you will quickly become part of our community of teaching and learning excellence. The beginning of a new school year is always exciting and full of anticipation. This year promises to be one that builds and strengthens our school community.


Following our successful day of teacher professional learning our students began their school year through a staggered start. This provided our year 12’s the opportunity to make a quick start to their studies and gave the new year 7 students an opportunity to find their feet and get to know each other and their teachers in a less crowded environment. All students have now settled well into their classes for another busy and successful year.


Teachers will be undergoing professional learning programs this year that will focus on the relationships between students and teachers. This relationship is pivotal in the learning process and we will undertaking student and parent consultation to ensure that we are all working together for the best learning outcomes for our students.  Teachers will also be working together in collaborative teams to examine student learning data and build on their practice.


As a school we are always working to ensure that the outcomes for our students are maximised. This year we are strengthening our focus on the positive relationships between students and teachers, as well as aligning our curriculum and pathways programs with the skills and competencies needed to engage in the 21st Century workforce.


Student Leaders

Congratulations to our new Student Leadership team headed up by our school captains Carol Leuluai and Elia Haddad. I look forward to working with them and the wider student leadership team throughout the year.


College Captains         College Vice Captains     VCAL

Yr12    Carol Leuluai     Yr12    Rabia Ramzan     Captain            Taylah Hynes-Alnes

Yr12    Elia Haddad      Yr12    Kade Eicke           Vice Captain    Tearlee Gleeson


Performing Arts Captains: Mercedes Rawson & Leon Norwood

Vice Captains: Makenzy Jackson & Gaith Qasem

EAL Captains: Ceren Mikaelian & Hadia Ramzan

School Improvement Captains: Dakotta Ioane & Amber Watson


Senior Leadership Team: Donna Chomphuphuen, Jadis Stowers, Jayne Kylie Ferrer, Stella Aslani, Andrew Glass, Chelsea Anau & Ali Seraidar


Year 10 Captains: Daniella Daniel, Hadia Ramzan, Mitchel Semmens & Dakota Ioane

Year 9 Captains: Phillip Tivoli, Ryan Glass, Ashley Dass & Lily Courts

Year 8 Captains: Paiton King, Elissa Shabo, Tayla Ioane & Atalina Matautia

Year 7 Captains: Amani Ein-Alshaiba, Charlotte Menzies, Tyson Low-Richards & Nathan Maher

House Captains 2020:

Aitken House - Red: Fawzi Seraidar & Leanna Minigana

Bridgewater House - Blue: Melaia Latu & Mickey Lilo

Hume House - Gold: Chelsea Anau & Leroy Dixon O’Neill

Ridley House - Green: Andrew Glass & Suliana Fishiihoi


I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our graduating students from 2019. Dylan Antolasic received our DUX award with an ATAR of 94. Dylan

has accepted an offer and begun his studies for a Bachelor of Arts at The University of Melbourne, along with Brandon Tapalu who is studying Commerce.  Many of our students received first round offers for university courses and some of these include Bachelor of Health Sciences at La Trobe University, Bachelor of Sports and Exercise Science at La Trobe University, Mechanical Engineering (Honors) at RMIT, Biomedicine at Deakin University and Diploma of Travel and Tourism at William Anglliss. Terira Fry has found employment in marketing at the Australian Football League Womens,


Our students also received tertiary offers without ATARS. This includes some of our VCAL students who have been offered certificate or diploma courses at Victoria University, Kangan TAFE, NMIT and William Angliss among others.


Congratulations to our VCAL graduates who have been placed into apprenticeships or found full time employment.  Lachlan Caple is engaged in a Horticulture apprenticeship and Lucas Giacchi, an apprenticeship in Building and Construction.


I wish all our past students the greatest success in the next phase of their educational journey.


Kate Morphy
