General Information


Did you know that past issues of the School Newsletter are available on the school website:


We are lucky to have received a number of new reading resources for the school. As a result, we are searching for volunteers to assist with covering these books. If you are able to help, please contact Ms Hogan or Mrs Gould at the School Office. All materials are provided.




For those who have RSVP'd, we look forward to seeing you at the Mother's Day Breakfast this Friday at 8am under the COLA.  



While we love to celebrate your child's birthday, parents and guardians are reminded to please contact the Office before bringing in icy poles, lollipops or cupcakes for your child’s birthday. 


This is to check for any allergies that may be in your child's class group as well as arrange an appropriate time with the class teacher. 


                                  Please do not bring in any food that includes nuts or traces of nuts.



With the cooler weather setting in, our lost property is starting to collect jumpers and jackets without names on them. If your child has misplaced any belongings please ask them to check the lost property located in the Office. 


Please see below our lost property procedure: 

* LABELLED ITEMS - Returned to child

* ITEMS NOT LABELLED OR EX STUDENT NAME - Placed in lost property


PLEASE ENSURE THAT ALL BELONGINGS ARE LABELLED CLEARLY. We ask that you please also regularly check your child's bag to ensure that hats, jackets and other items belong to your child as we understand that on occasion items get mixed up.



The official changeover to winter uniform is from the 1st June 2023. However, parents are advised to use their discretion depending on the weather. 


Please remember though, depending on your choice, that the students are to be dressed in either: 


FULL SUMMER UNIFORM:   A school jumper or jacket may be worn. 


FULL WINTER UNIFORM  -  including school tie.


*** stockings are NOT to be worn with summer dresses.

*** no short sleeve shirts with trousers.

*** no long sleeve shirts with shorts.






  • Book Fair Information
  • Kindergarten Literacy & Numeracy Parent Information Evening
  • First Holy Communion Information 
  • Year 1, 2 and 3 - Vision Screening Parental Permission Slip



Tuesday 9th May to Friday 12th May - Book Fair

Friday 12th May - Mother’s Day Breakfast and P&F Association Mother’s Day Stall

Wednesday 17th May - GRIP Leadership Conference 

Friday 19th May - Diocesan Cross Country (Barraba)