Activities and Events


Our Year 6 students had a fantastic day at the North West Region Science and Engineering Discovery Day last Tuesday at The Crossing Theatre. This annual event is hosted by the University of Newcastle in conjunction with The Rotary Club Narrabri and aims at challenging Year 6 students to consider a career in Science or Engineering.


The students excitedly recounted the day highlighting the different activities they completed. Using different materials provided the students had to build a working bionic hand, make a Mars robot, create their own light communications code, power a city and construct a bridge. What a wonderful opportunity for our students to be able to participate in this amazing event locally in Narrabri. 


Thank you to our Stage 3 teachers for organising the day and Mrs McInnes and Miss Squire for accompanying them.




We held our Kindergarten Information Session last Thursday for students commencing their education journey in 2024. Mr Baird gave a thorough presentation detailing what the parents and children can expect at St Francis Xavier’s while our School Captains, Camilla and Angus addressed the audience outlining what they love most about being a student at our school. To conclude the information session, the parents had an opportunity to visit the Kindergarten rooms and witness learning in action. 




KW are learning about different materials in Science and how these materials are used to make things. They were excited to show off the binoculars they made using paper cups and string. The binoculars were used on a scavenger hunt as the students went looking for  other materials located in the school garden. They found metal, wood, fabric and lots of grass! 





Well done to all our Narrabri Show entries for 2023! Students in each stage entered artwork into the Narrabri Show Schoolwork section. The hard work put into each piece was well recognised with each stage receiving an award.


Stage 2 and Stage 3 enjoyed collaborating across their stage group to create an artwork to met this year's Show theme, "Plant today, harvest tomorrow". Congratulations Stage 2 who received highly commended and Stage 3 who were awarded second place. 


Students in Stage 1 and Kindergarten also designed individual show art pieces. Congratulations to the following Stage 1 students who received an award:

Second Place - Georgie Wallace and Millie Conaty

Third Place - Bailey Beckhouse and Lucia Quirk

Highly Commended - Harry Thurston


Congratulations to the following Kindergarten students who received an award:

First Place and Reserve Champion! - Lara Thurston 

Second Place - George Stoltenberg

Third Place - Eadie Alexander-Lamond and Aleksa Flor

Highly Commended - Harriett Rogers, Miranda Kember, Charlie Thurston and Anastasia Gourel


Students also entered the Colour in Competition. Well done to Georgie Wallace, Norah Nalder and Jackson Clark who were the winners of their age groups. 


We were very proud to see so many of our students entering other show exhibits, from ring events to pavilion displays as well as volunteering their time to help in other capacities. This displays great community spirit, something that we value greatly here at St Francis Xavier’s School.