From the Principal Team

Ken Chatterton
Nick Burley
Chantelle Trend
Ken Chatterton
Nick Burley
Chantelle Trend

Cross Country

We are all very excited about tomorrow's Whole School Cross Country event. It's a wonderful day and, personally, one of my favourite events of the year. Students are all in very different positions about how they feel about running long distances, but the attitude that students bring on the day is always exceptional. 

Growing up in the country I can't help but think back to my own experiences in Primary School and how they differ: I remember that we ran around the block but it was largely undeveloped and on the outskirts of town. This meant that there were no checkpoints for the middle half of the course and we ran on the shoulder of a road that cars would regularly speed down at 100km/h. We needed to watch out for the Copperheads and Tiger snakes on the verge and go around them if we saw them. In high school we ran through paddocks, knee-deep ponds and knee-high grass and had to make sure we didn't linger in the paddock with the bull. 

I'm sure many families will be able to recall similar experiences (or perhaps not?) that make us scratch our head these days. 

I think one of the great things about Cross Country is that sense of space and fighting against yourself more than anything else. That desire to just stop halfway up a hill can be very strong but this event in particular trains and encourages students to push through that. I look forward immensely to seeing more examples of these personal achievements tomorrow. 


Of course, as families it helps that thanks to the wonderful PFA, you are able to come along and watch the children run, grab a coffee and a cake and enjoy the event. Our Year 6 students have teamed up with the PFA for this event and will be supplying the cake stall to help raise money for their graduation at the end of the year. All families are invited to join us at Ruffey Lake Park and encouraged to visit the Coffee Van and Cake Stall on their way in.   

High Achievers & Extension

Chantelle Trend - Learning Specialist (Numeracy)

Many families will be familiar with Chantelle Trend from previous years as a classroom teacher and Learning Specialist in the school. As part of Mrs Trend's role this year, she is managing our high achievers program and extension & enrichment opportunities. 

Today was busy with students selected by the Department of Education participating in the Victorian High Achievers Program (VHAP) extension lessons and another group of students in Years 4, 5 and 6 competing in their first day of competition for Maths Olympiad, a nationwide competition focused on problem solving in mathematics. Students work independently through some very challenging problems in a series of tasks throughout Terms 2 and 3. In Term 1, students trained with Mrs Trend to prepare for the competition questions. I know Chantelle is planning on sharing some of the students' progress in future newsletters, but I warn you - they're not easy! 


Student Attitudes to School Survey 

Please see the attached letter with information for families about this year's Attitudes to School Survey. Students in Years 4, 5 and 6 at school between May 15 and June 9. This anonymous survey helps us to identify areas of current and future needs for students in learning, behaviour and wellbeing. Frequently, we are able to identify pockets of concern where students are feeling less confident or are experiencing more issues in their experience, which then allows us to work either as a school, year level or smaller group to address some of these concerns. For example, previously we have had very high achieving cohorts of students who reported extremely low self-esteem in their learning. This has brought to light a concern for students that wasn't obvious to teachers or parents and led to teaching responses in the classroom to help students recognise and track their achievements more effectively. 

See the letter for more information and instructions on how to opt-out, if required. 

Reminder: Enrolments for Prep 2024

Enrolments are now being accepted for 2024 enrolments in Prep. If you have a younger child who will be starting school with us next year, please complete the enrolment form and return it to the office. 

Send completed forms to:


Parent Involvement & Activities

We have so many activities that parents are contributing to around the school, I just wanted to extend a massive thank you to all those taking time out of their busy days and nights to help out. 


Tonight we meet with School Council, overseeing School Governance. 

The PFA have organised the Coffee Van and Cake Stall for tomorrow's Cross Country. 

The PFA are also organising the Mother's Day Stall next Wed May 10. 

The Festival Committee are in full swing (see RNFF page) organising a brilliant event of October 21. 

And the PFA have what is sure to be a grand event planned for June 3, 'A touch of 1920s', to help get everyone ready for our centenary celebrations in October. 

Around the school, too, many parents are helping out in the classroom (simply contact your child's teacher to help arrange this). 


Every little bit is truly appreciated and helps to contribute to an environment where the students are always front of mind. 


Thank you.