COVID Update

I am very relieved to see that as from last Monday, all staff members are not required to wear a mask indoors. It is great to see that we are getting back to some form of normality with our first school assembly on tomorrow. It is the first time that we are allowed to have parents on our school grounds in a visiting capacity.  We are still waiting on the last installment of the rapid antigen tests to arrive at school. These tests are to be used only if your child is displaying any symptoms associated with COVID. Thank you to all of the parents who have contacted the school to organise the collection of their testing kits. If you haven't already done so already, can you please contact the office as soon as possible.


I would like to thank you all for your patience, as the last month has been very testing for all of us in some way. I have to admit that what we each of us has gone through, is definitely a better option then going back to remote learning. Hopefully, remote learning will never be considered, let alone come into effect ever again.


Even though restrictions are starting to ease, we still must be vigilant to ensure that we continue to minimise the spread of COVID. Any student or staff member who is unwell and/or displays symptoms of COVID-19 must be asked to go home and stay there until they can complete a RAT or PCR test. If a student or staff member displays even mild COVID-19 symptoms, they must take a RAT or get a PCR test and isolate until they receive a negative test result. Students must not come to school until they are symptom free, even if they get a negative RAT result. If unfortunately, your child has contacted the virus, please contact the school immediately.


A copy of the Parent Information Note that went home a fortnight ago is included below: