Term 1

Year 12

A great day for the Year 12s who attended Athletics. Being the last big school sports event, the students took the opportunity to dress up under the theme of “Movie Characters”.  There were some brilliant costumes from Cleopatra to Audrey Hepburn (Breakfast at Tiffany’s), Daphne and Velma from Scooby Doo and Jack Moon from Semi-Pro. Great to see so many Year 12s competing as well!


Today was an exciting day, with the first batch of Year 12 Jumpers arriving. How good do they look?


Don’t forget, Friday is PJ day at the school, organised by the VM students, and next week we have our Year 12 Wellbeing day, which includes breakfast at the Geelong City Bowls Club and talks and activities throughout the day. This day will be important to keep the students levelled and the opportunity to take time out from a busy SAC schedule over the next few weeks.


Brett Bullock, Year 12 LCL

Year 11

The Year 11 community is currently very busy with classwork, VET programs, athletics, and senior sports days. VCE students have their ‘Jasper Jones’ analytical SAC this week for English, along with SACs in PE and HHD. All the students completing a VET course have now begun these classes, gaining skills and knowledge in areas such as early childhood education, carpentry, and automotive. Some of our VCE-VM students volunteered at the regional division swimming carnival last week, representing the school and showing professionalism while undertaking a range of tasks. 


WHC Athletics day on Tuesday was a massive day for our Year 11 cohort, with very impressive displays across a range of track and field events. The heats of the 17-year boys 100m sprint were all very competitive! Senior sports have also begun for the year with cricket and lawn bowls taking place last week and students set to compete in tennis, volleyball and baseball next week. Let’s go WHC!


Claire Sullivan, Year 11 LCL



Art Making & Exhibiting

The Year 11 Art Making and Exhibiting class visited exhibitions at Geelong Gallery, BOOM Gallery and local street art during an exhibition on Friday: 

Year 10


There are upcoming programs with opportunities for Year 10 students. This information is on the Year 10 Info Board in the Year 10 kitchen regarding:

  • Geelong Futures Leaders of Industry
  • Girls Leading Advanced Manufacturing
  • Geelong Future Leaders of Industry VET Stream
  • World of Work - Health and Community Services

Interested students please see Mr Conron for an application.


Year 10 Environmental Science Excursion 

Wednesday 15 March: Both Year 10 classes will be bushwalking at Aireys Inlet. Students will develop their skills and knowledge investigating bushwalking requirements and environmental issues.


Roger Conron, Year 10 LCL


Environmental Science Excursion 

Report by Corey Grant

Last Monday 27 February, both environmental study classes went down to Anglesea beach and went for a surf. We used Go Ride A Wave and hired some boards and wetsuits and went down to the beach. 


The instructors ran a ‘how to surf session’, some safety and a little step-by-step guide on how to surf. We also looked at the types of waves and the formation of the beach. The instructors discussed rips and how to swim out of a rip. This took about 10 minutes and before we knew it, we were down in the water catching some waves. It was a pretty average weather day, about 21 Celsius. But the water was actually really nice when in the wetsuit. 


The day got split into two halves. The first half was surfing. Everyone was catching a wave or two, and most people even got to stand up on them. We were out there for about 20-30 minutes, and it was called half time. It was just a little reminder on what we were supposed to be doing and how to do it properly. In this half you could either surf or have a little swim and doing some body surfing. Most people did some body surfing or diving under the waves. There were a few people still surfing and they had it down pat and standing almost every time! 


We were out there for another 20-30 minutes and eventually got called in to pack the stuff away. Everyone helped out with putting a board away and cleaning their wetsuit. Once everyone was done, we hopped onto the bus and even had time to get some ice cream! So we stopped at the Anglesea ice cream shop and bought an ice cream. We had about 15 minutes to get something we wanted, and we all got back on the bus to enjoy our treats on the way home. We got to school at about 2:50 and it was a very well-organised day. Thanks Mr Conron and Mr Beasley! We are all looking forward to a bushwalk next Wednesday 15 March.


Year 10 Physics

Students have been investigating momentum and how it is conserved in different types of collisions. Using motion sensors to find the velocity of carts before and after they collide, they then calculated momentum to prove that this happens.


Open Night

Three fantastic VCE-VM students organised and ran a BBQ and mini stall at the WHC Open Night, raising money towards an outdoor flexible learning space to be created outside the DAT. Students showed off their incredible employability skills, OHS and Safe Food Handling knowledge and the ability to take orders and handle money. 


Partnerships with local businesses

The VCE-VM students have partnered with Barwon Traffic Management to repair broken signs. Students have been assisted by Mr Travers to design a template to create and produce metal brackets that will reinforce the broken aluminium road sign frames. Students are looking forward to developing their skills and earning money towards their outdoor space. 


Egg Drop Challenge

During PDS classes, students have been identifying their own character strengths and personal and social abilities. Students used these skills to work in teams to design and construct a structure to protect an egg from being smashed from a 3-metre height. Students worked to a set timeframe and used their problem-solving skills to overcome the many design flaws that arose. After watching many teams’ eggs smash, only one team successfully made a structure that protected their egg. 

Kokoda training

Our Kokoda group continued their training for the upcoming trek with a hike in the You Yangs at the weekend. They were treated to some beautiful views after persevering through Sunday's hot temperatures.


Tomorrow (Friday 10 March), don't forget to bring a donation and dress up for Pyjama Day! All money raised will be going towards buying school supplies for students in Kagi Village which the Kokoda students will deliver on their trip at the end of this term. See the "Around the College" section of this newsletter, or Compass, for more information about PJ Day.