Other News
Hands on Learning is back for 2019 with an extra day providing students with an extra program they can engage in.
Hands on Learning (HOL) is a program designed to engage ‘at risk’ young people with school and their local community. HOL is an early intervention program for students across Years 7 – 10 in Secondary schools, and across Years 5 – 6 in Primary schools, and has been shown to significantly increase confidence, attendance, and retention of students. Participating students spend one full day each week as part of a HOL team where they are able to take part in creative building projects and self- awareness.
This benefits the school and the local community. The program is long term and delivered in a cross-age supportive environment where role modeling, positive feedback and mentoring have found to be highly effective. As an in school program, students remain connected with their academic based curriculum for the remaining four days of the week.
Our goals for the year are to build a pizza oven as well as assist in creating a community garden.
Above, the team are assembling seating for the school community.
The Breakfast program is up and running again in 2019. Craigieburn Secondary College together with Craigieburn South Primary school and The Salvation Army have been busy cooking toasties every Thursday morning for our school community. An initiative to bring together community spirit and connectedness has grown in 12 months from 74 toasties to 620 toasties. A big thank you to the many Salvation Army volunteers who turn up every week to ensure students have the opportunity to have breakfast before the school day begins. Also to the many staff and student leaders who help out. A special thank you to Craigieburn Plaza Woolworths who have kindly donated the cheese for the program. This is an incredible community partnership which ensures the sustainability and success of the program.
Brick Fundraiser
We are currently in negotiations with a contractor to upgrade the amphitheatre retaining wall at the entrance of both schools. Our Name a Brick Fundraiser means members of the school community are able to purchase a brick and have their family name engraved on it. The bricks will be a lasting tribute to our students, staff and families both past and present. Each brick costs $30.00. A sample brick is on display in the primary reception area.