Swimming & Athletics Carnivals
Inter - School Sports
Swimming & Athletics Carnivals
Inter - School Sports
During term one, we had our annual swimming and athletics carnivals. The school’s participation levels were larger than past years and all staff were impressed by the number of students being actively involved. Students competed in a range of events both for fun and to earn points for their respective house. Hume (gold) house were swimming champions and Aitken (red) were the athletics champions. It was great to see all year levels dressing up in costumes and house colours! Good luck to all swimmers and athletes going to the next levels. The year level winners were as follows:
Year | Swimming | Athletics |
2006/07 | Jesse Bubalovski / Charlotte Eales | Moen Abaushewat / Dezyre Paiti |
2005 | Anthony Evangelou / Ashlee Johnston | Anthony Shamon / Tara Grima |
2004 | Chris Evangelou / Jazmyn Bubalovska | Saxon Bailey / Hannah Stevens |
2003 | Ryan Sirianni / Vanessa Bartman | Elijah Giacomantonio / Mehdia Nazali |
2002 | Nathan Prouse / Shakiah Williams | Jack Stevens & Fawzi Seraidar / Kylie Ferrer |
1999/01 | Samuel Barton / Jayce Bubalovska | Kojo Opoku Agyemang / Terira Fry