Principal's Report

Dear parents, carers and kin,


WOW! What a night we all had on Tuesday.  After missing two consecutive concerts we finally made it back to the Frankston Arts Centre. Students and staff had been preparing for weeks and in some cases months for the big night.  That was obvious by how the night went.  You would agree the students shone on stage and it was clear they were having a wonderful time – some with more confidence than others.  Standing at the side watching our students MC the night, students singing solo and the range of awards was a fine example of what all of our students can achieve.  It is also important to acknowledge the amount of energy and planning staff put into this event.  I never cease to be proud of our students and the concert night is one of those significant occasions.  We cannot wait until next year.


Feedback from last week’s puppet show incursion was well received by the junior school with the main message around resilience, pressing the pause button and asking for help when we are feeling overwhelmed.


Just yesterday most of the students in the school took part in Active Day.  This involved taking part in physical activity and then receiving a healthy snack, a great way to combine two messages.  Maggie and I completed our five laps around the BER building and received our two healthy snacks.  It was great to see the enthusiasm of our older students who were helping with the activity.


Shaun Bacon

Assistant Principal


Important school policy updates

Naranga School is scheduled for a School Review in term 1 of 2023.  As part of this process the school is currently undergoing a whole-scale review of all of its policies.  It is important that the school community is aware of our school policies and has the opportunity to provide feedback.  In case you didn't know, all school policies are available to the public on our website:

To raise awareness of our policies, each week in the newsletter I will include links to a number of policies which have recently been reviewed and approved.

This week I'm featuring the following policies.  Please click on the link to read the policy directly from our website:


>Anaphylaxis Policy


>First Aid Policy


>Administration of Medication Policy


>Health Care Needs Policy


>Duty of Care Policy



If you have any questions or feedback regarding these policies or other policies on the website, you can ring or email the school and let me know.


Kai Pukarinen




Other important messages you may have missed...


Changes to transport

We sometimes have changes made to transport arrangements for students.  This can result in some last minute changes so that students access the correct bus, or are at the back gate for parent pick up.  The office staff does a great job of managing student transport.  Please help us keep transport operations running smoothly by contacting the main office by 2:45pm each day if there are any changes to how your  son or daughter is getting home from school.


Teacher communication

Communication channels between home and school became much more open and regular over the past two years.  This is a direct result of the pandemic and the periods of remote learning that required close contact between teachers and parents.  Good communication between home and school and strong relationships between parents and teachers is key to positive student outcomes.  Current email and other electronic communication can blur the lines between our working lives and home lives.  As a staff, we've discussed having boundaries and limiting parent communication after hours unless it is an emergency or a critical matter.  Please support us by communicating with teachers between 8:00am and 5:30pm.  Or if you are emailing outside of those hours, please accept that you may not get a reply until the next day.