The GREEN Page

Sustainability - Community - Action



Naranga School regularly participates in the Schools Water Efficiency Program (SWEP). It enables our school to continuously track our water consumption by using data logger technology. 

This year our school’s average usage of water per person is 12.5 Litres. This figure has increased compared to this time last year. This year we have used 560,7 KL.


Fortunately we have collected 91.2 mm this October with the rainfall we have had.

Water is precious and we are constantly reminding students to turn off the tap. 


Saving Water at Home

Just by turning off the tap while you brush your teeth will save you water. Take shorter showers instead of having a bath. Did you know that taking a shower uses 15 litres compared to an average bath which uses 60 - 100 litres?

 Fix any leaking taps. You can save a lot of water by doing a full load of laundry. Collect rainwater using a water tank to water your garden. 

If we all do our bit to save water throughout the year, we will have enough for our hot, dry summer months ahead.