Principal's report

Greetings Parents, Carers, Friends and Students of MPWPS

Here we are at Week 3 already!  The focus of the last couple of weeks in the year 3-6 has been the Living and Growing sessions. These have been well received with the presenters providing positive acknowledgement of the children’s behavior and respect for each other.  Of course this is what we expect, and it is very reassuring to know that our students respond as we expect. Well done everyone.

School Review Update:

This is a reminder that the Parent Forum is approaching (Thursday Aug 9th) at 7:00 pm.  We will also have a Whole School Survey for parents and staff to gain further information for our pre  review self evaluation which I a working on at present.   I am presenting the survey to Education Committee on Monday and then to School Council for ratification. It will then be circulated online for your feedback. Please take time to give feedback.  This is a different survey to the Department of Education Survey which is presently with randomly selected families.  We will also use this feedback to inform our Program Budgeting and Planning cycle for 2019.

Teacher Professional Practice Days

In the current Industrial Agreement the Australian Education Union (AEU) and the Department of Education have agreed to provide each teacher in the government system with a day ‘where they are released from scheduled duties’ to work of building their capacity to improve their teaching and learning skill. This semester the teachers will have this day allocated to them. The requirements are that teachers are still at school pursuing an aspect of their learning (in line with DET and the school’s priorities), maybe completing some essential assessments or working with a co-worker on planning, or doing some individual assessment or intervention for students or visiting a school to see practice or conducting peer observation on site.  The principal in consultation, allocates the day and the teacher chooses the foci according to their needs.   My experience of this day is that teachers use it very productively and that it is actually enhancing their practice and ability to attend to the different learning needs of the students in their class or cohort.  We will be endeavoring to employ regular Casual Relief Teachers (CRT’s) that know our school and students, so that the learning continues.   Teacher Professional Practice Days have been allocated in August and September for this term.

Yard Duty changes

Over the past weeks I have been liaising with staff in order to review the Yard Duty Roster so as to ensure that we are meeting all requirements.  We have three distinct ‘zones’ across our play areas and we will be having three teachers on duty at each of the morning and lunch breaks. In the Before and After school supervision we will have myself at the front and back (Athol/Eglington St) areas of the school to welcome and farewell students and parents, and a roving teacher who will be on duty within the school.  This will be the source of monitoring to ensure we are visible and attentive to the safety needs of the students as they enter and exit their school. Each teacher on duty during the day will have a walkie–talkie to ensure that communication is open.  Staff have been very willing to acknowledge their duty of care in this regard and acknowledge that a bigger student population requires additional supervision.

Japanese Tour

How wonderful is it that so many families want to participate in this experience. Having a sister school in Yokohama is a wonderful thing and takes time to nurture and develop, so I thank Diana Vivian for her role in setting this up for the school and Cindy Xu for her support and encouragement as a young language teacher.  There will be a process for selecting the student, staff  and parent  participation, and Diana will be conducting this with my supervision.

Literacy Professional Learning

At the moment we have a Literacy Consultant in our school working alongside teachers to fine tune and adjust our literacy instruction.  All schools must be places of continual learning and this opportunity will give MPWPS a chance to adjust, and realign in light of good first teaching.  Paul Ledwidge has been modelling Independent Reading in the Year 1/2 and 2/3 classes today.  In the 1/2 class the Independent Reading focus was on visualising; an important reading strategy. I was impressed with the way the children contributed and enjoyed the focus whilst reading their ‘just right’ books. I was able to extend that focus into their Personal Writing as well.

We also have three teachers who have joined the Leading Literacy professional learning with other teachers in our Network.  This opportunity will assist us in deepening our understanding of  how to really support students in their learning to read and write. It’s an exciting learning time for MPWPS.

Well that’s about it from me.  Until we meet in person.

Sincerely and in good faith

Kerri Simpson