School Council

School Council Meeting Report
Today School Council met via Webex to farewell and thank our outgoing Councillors - Ben Atchison, Lisa Shaw, Nigel Keegan and Alyena Mohummadally and to welcome our new Councillors - Anna Poole, Anna Radywonik, Matthew Cam and Shannon Jeffs.
An election for our 2020 Office bearers was held and we congratulate : School Council President - Jane Kingsley, Vice President - Brian Stanley and Treasurer - Matthew Kenny.
School Council Membership 2020
Parent members:
- Simone Beever
- Matthew Cam
- Shannon Jeffs
- Matthew Kenny - Treasurer
- Jane Kingsley - President
- Anna Poole
- Anna Radywonik
- Brian Stanley - Vice President
- Nigel Toussaint
DET members:
- Kerri Simpson - Executive Officer
- Helen Lockart
- Melanie Beissel
- Barbara Springfield
- Sandra Monaghan - School Council Secretary
School Council Meetings
commence at 18:30
- Monday 24th February
- Monday 23rd March
- Monday 25th May
- Monday 22nd June
- Monday 24th August
- Monday 14th September
- Monday 23rd November
- Monday 14th December
Sub Committee Meetings
Education Committee - Meetings commence at 18:30
- Monday 10th February
- Monday 2nd March
- Monday 4th May
- Monday 1st June
- Monday 3rd August
- Monday 7th September
- Monday 2nd November
Resources Committee - Meetings commence at 19:00
- Tuesday 11th February
- Tuesday 10th March
- Tuesday 12th May
- Tuesday 9th June
- Tuesday 11th August
- Tuesday 8th September
- Tuesday 10th November
- Tuesday 8th December
Environment Committee -
Meetings commence at 18:00
- Wednesday 19th February
- Wednesday 18th March
- Wednesday 20th May
- Wednesday 17th June
- Wednesday 19th August
- Wednesday 16th September
- Wednesday 18th November
Community Engagement commence at 4.00 pm
- Wednesday 19th February
- Wednesday 18th March
- Wednesday 20th May
- Wednesday 17th June
- Wednesday 19th August
- Wednesday 16th September
- Wednesday 18th November