Principal's report

Dear Parents, Carers,Guardians and students of Moonee Ponds West PS
Thank you for your continued support and patience as we continue to provide for Remote Learning in your home.
Webex Contact
On Monday as we outlined in our Remote Learning Guidelines, we moved to linking with our students with an online visual opportunity. Whilst there were some glitches, most classes were able to connect with some if not all of their students. I joined a Foundation/Year 1 class and was amazed at how quickly children mastered the process and how confidently they interacted with the teacher. I also noticed how quickly children grow and develop and how chatty they were to share their experiences. My thanks for your support, resilience and continued belief that we are working hard to make sure the best remote learning experience can be offered. It is incredible how far the staff have come in learning this new way. When I started here May 2018, the internet system was ‘flaky’ as some optic fibre was not connected, and the IPads that were once ‘state of the art’ had sadly become slow and not as functional as our students and teachers deserved. As a result of being unreliable, teachers refused to use or were unsupported to use these devices to enhance learning. Of course, the best learning occurs when there is a mix of learning tools accessible by students within their learning experiences. I marvelled today at the up skilling of teachers and the resilience and their adaptability in the new learning situation.
As Principal I am really proud of the staff and families for what we have achieved in the short preparation time. I am also proud of the students and their willingness to pursue their independence. Remote learning has provided this school with the chance to build a community of learning where feedback is sort and acted upon, and where there becomes a real opportunity to incorporate more engaging and independent structures into the learning journey for the future. This experience will change us forever.
ANZAC Project
The ANZAC project was an opportunity for the family to learn together about this cultural celebration. We have formed a montage of the family work as part of this project. Have a look. It is further in this newsletter.
Collection of Tubs
We are about to put the class tubs back into their rightful place…in the classroom. Many children and parents have come to school to follow the masking tape trail to the class numbers and collect the books, scraps of paper and the occasional pen, pencil in the student’s tub. Please ensure that these tools are used when necessary as requested by the class teacher. Your child will require their tubs and all that they hold when school returns.
Schools Remain closed
I have no further information about the future of school returns. The Education Minister and Premier under the advice of the Chief Medical Officer are standing firm on their original decision to ensure that the spread of the COVID 19 virus is stopped by implementing Stage 3 of the State Emergency procedures for the safety of all Victorians. This means those parents that are working from home MUST have their children working from home as well. This remains the direction that all government schools are implementing.
Monday Morning Assemblies
I hope you are enjoying the Monday Morning Assemblies hosted by our out and about reporter Barb McKenzie. This week we had a showcase of talent including some wonderful piano playing complete with the metronome keeping the time for the player. Well done to all who have contributed to our visual experience. Monday morning's assembly is included in the newsletter for your enjoyment.
Lost Property
It’s amazing we have NO lost Property, NO items left on the Tiger Turf and NO lunchboxes scattered across the playing areas. Oh, how I miss these things!
Finally, Schools are only buildings. It is the students, community and the staff that together make a culture of success. Hold tight, support your child with calm directions and use this time to stop, connect and reappraise what is important for your family. Try not to compare student to student, family to family and school to school we are all in this together! Together we make the difference. It is a great opportunity I think if we want to look with this lens.
Well that’s about it from me. Until we resume we will be offering a Newsletter each week for connection.
Sincerely and in good faith
Kerri Simpson Your Principal (Yeahhh!)
Some helpful APPS for this time
I have come across a couple of really useful App's for steadying the mind and helping children with anxiety.
A set of headphones and an iPad with these loaded can save the day and provide some useful strategies for self-soothing or calming.
The are Smiling Mind and Calm, please find below the links to both app's.