Teaching & Learning News

Junior School Council Education Week - Physical Challenge Activities


This year the Education Week theme was - 'Active Learners: Move, Make, Motivate'.  When we recently caught up for our regular meeting, our leaders, Brooke and Lee suggested that we had a terrific opportunity for the JSC representatives to run a bunch of activities during lunch time during Education Week.


We agreed to 5 different physical challenges for us to organise. They were - planking, basketball shooting, skipping, ball toss and hula hooping.  JSC members formed groups in order to run each physical challenge.  


Unfortunately, we were unable to run the activity on Tuesday lunchtime during Education Week due to absent teachers and poor weather.  We were excited to learn that with better weather (and healthier staff) we were able to hold it on Tuesday this week.


After a JSC announcement, we collected the equipment and all JSC members got ready for the excitable groups of students across grades prep to 6 to join us.  We explained the rules and then they enthusiastically joined in.


While we eventually had some winners, everyone participated happily.  There were some amazing results, for instance Rhilee (5TH) planked for an amazing 16 minutes and 36 seconds - a school record!  But incredibly Asher (2DW) and Maggie (3TM) had a draw with both lasting for 14 minutes and 38 seconds.  Wow!  At the basketball court, can you believe that Xavier (2CW) won by throwing 8 consecutive goals from the free throw line?  NBA watch out!  Down at the hula hoops Maggie (3TM) won with 3 minutes and 31 seconds, next was Asher (6LC) with at time of 2 minutes and 44 seconds.  Skipping was also held on the basketball court and the highest score was Charli (5MC) with 150 skips.  How many adults can do that?  And finally in the ball toss challenge on the oval Jasmine (5LW) came through with 52 throws in 2 minutes.  Outstanding!


We felt it was a great day for participating actively.  We would like to thank Lee and Brooke and all the JSC members for their wonderful work and all of the students who participated so joyfully.


By Mollie (5LW), Nancy (5TH)  and Oscar (6LC)