
In Reading this term, we are deepening our understanding of procedural and persuasive texts. Students will analyse procedural and persuasive texts focusing on the specific structure, techniques, language features and vocabulary. They will use mentor texts during these reading sessions as exemplars of what they could achieve in their own writing. Learners will be exposed to a variety of text formats (videos, written texts, oral texts, etc.) and will be provided with opportunities to build their vocabulary as well as develop comprehension skills through literal and inferential meaning. Throughout these units, learners will be working towards their personalised CAFE goals, increasing their skills and strategies to read with Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expanding their Vocabulary.


You can support your child at home by:

  • Encouraging 10-20 minutes of reading each night
  • If cooking from a recipe, have your child read the instructions with/to you. Furthering this, ask them what they would add or change to make this recipe more effective. 
  • Asking your child about their CAFE goal and how they are working towards it.