Naranga School NDIS Navigator is Jenny Camm, if you require assistance or support with NDIS please contact Jenny  9788 2222.


The role of NDIS Navigators

NDIS Navigators will be employed in specialist schools where they will:

  • provide support and advice for parents and carers to build their capacity to understand, advocate for and access appropriate NDIS funded support services available to their children
  • develop and maintain relationships with parents, carers, school staff and local services to enable productive working relationships between schools, parents and carers and the NDIS
  • support collaborative practices between NDIS funded services and the school, including by providing appropriate information, documentation and logistical support for onsite visits by approved NDIS funded therapists – refer to NDIS Funded Therapy in Schools
  • support parents and carers to resolve issues experienced with the NDIS through appropriate channels.

NDIS Navigators will not:

  • provide individual student case management or crisis management
  • contact the NDIA or NDIS funded providers on behalf of parents or carers except in limited circumstances, following consultation with the principal
  • attempt to resolve issues experienced with the NDIS or NDIA, but will support parents and carers to resolve issues through appropriate channels
  • make decisions on requests for delivery of NDIS funded therapy services on school grounds or requests for NDIS funded therapists to observe students, or advocate for a particular outcome in relation to these requests – this will remain the responsibility of the principal in accordance with the department’s NDIS Funded Therapy in Schools policy
  • implement or perform supports and adjustments in schools
  • act as an advocate for parents and carers in matters that are the responsibility of the school.

In some circumstances the NDIS Navigator may need to consult with the principal to prioritise families that have more complex needs that require additional support.