
ES Day


At our assembly on Wednesday, we celebrated the extraordinary contribution that the Education Support staff make to our students and school community. We are fortunate to have a dynamic team of staff that play a significant role in student achievement, engagement and the wellbeing outcomes of all students. Students made cards and posters to present to the staff which was followed by a delicious lunch.


Careers Night 

A reminder that next Wednesday 22nd of May we are hosting our annual Careers Night for the Senior school and Pathways students. 

At Naranga career education begins in the senior school. The program which is delivered by Jodie O-Meara our Careers and Transition teacher allows students the opportunity to develop their self-understanding, identify goals, build confidence and develop practical skills that will serve them well in their future endeavours.

Later in the year the Year 10 and 11 students will embark on the exciting journey of work experience across various industries. Our students will venture into the real world of work broadening their experiences.


Winter Uniform

Now that we are moving into the cooler months, please ensure students are wearing appropriate clothing. If you are missing a jumper or jacket, please ask homeroom teachers as we have a number in lost property. Pants/leggings should also be blue not black. Please touch base with the office if you need assistance with uniform requirements.


A reminder that Monday is a Curriculum Day and students are not required at school.

Staff will be participating in professional development.


Thank you for a wonderful week.