From the Principal

Happy International Women’s Day
‘Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge gender equality’.
International Women's Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating women's equality.
IWD has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911 supported by over a million people. Today, IWD belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. IWD is not country, group or organization specific’. If you are interested in learning more the official website is below.
The Year 12 students have settled back into school life after their Retreat. Many of them ‘hit the ground running’ with an English SAC and have viewed SUNSET Boulevard at ACMI in the city. VM students completed their RSA and Food Handlers certificates.
The Year 8 students have had a sensational time at camp this week. They have come back very tired but filled with memories that will last a lifetime.
Another lifetime memory will be for 15 students who will be selected to go to Osaka, Japan in September. The initial information meeting took place this week outlining the process for being selected to represent the College and Victoria. Part of the process will be to write an application and attend an interview.
Year 7 students have learnt about the various opportunities the Corner has to offer on Wilsons Road.
Have a great weekend.
Linda Stanton
Important Dates
Term 1 2025
Mar - Monday 10th Labour Day Public Holiday
Mar - Tuesday 11th Whole School House Athletics Carnival
Mar - Wednesday 12th to Monday 24th Naplan
Mar - Wednesday 19th to Friday 21st Year 12 Murray River Paddle Camp
Mar - Tuesday 25th College Open Night
Mar - Thursday 27th Morrisby Profiling - Year 9
Mar - Monday 31st to Wednesday 2nd April Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways
Mar - Monday 31st Year 7 Grandparents Morning Tea
Apr - Wednesday 2nd Year 7 Disco
Apr - Thursday 3rd Parent and Teacher Interviews - face to face
Apr - Friday 4th End of Term 1 - 2:30pm finish
Term 2 2025
Apr - Tuesday 22nd Term 2 commences
Apr - Thursday 24th College Anzac Day Service 10:15am
Apr - Friday 25th Anzac Day Public Holiday
Apr - Monday 28th to Wednesday 30th Year 10 Outdoor Education Camp Otways
Middle School
Dear Parents and Guardians
This week I am providing you with some great writing pieces from a Year 9 student - Noah Harnath.
Describing someone who is cold
As he stepped outside, he felt the wind slap him in the face, leaving behind the sensation of a somewhat stinging feeling. As he walked from his door to the footpath, he noticed thin sheets of frost coating the blades of grass in his front yard. He turns to look down the footpath, quickly setting off to his anticipated destination. The muscles in his legs output slightly low levels of heat under his skin as he walks, a deep contrast from the skin of his legs. As he walks, he feels moisture within his nose begin to condense into numerous beads of liquid, threatening to fall onto his face at any moment. He swiftly rubs his nose with his arm, but the sight of that threat slick and glistening across the skin of his forearm makes him realize that using his arm may not have been as efficient of a solution as he originally thought. He is quickly distracted from the sight on his arm as his gaze suddenly falls upon the small trail of translucent air flowing from his nostrils, like steam leaving a cartoon character's ears, though this time it's less noticeable. As he begins vigorously rubbing his palms together, hoping the friction will provide even the slightest feeling of comfort in this weather, he notices his destination in front of him. At last.
Describing someone at the beach on a warm day
He grins. Just as he expected - barely anyone is present seeing as most people are at work or in school. This is the perfect time to visit. He walks off of the sharp grass sticking into his feet and steps down onto the smooth sand - the sand feels nice at first, but quickly becomes too hot to bear - so he drops his bag off his shoulder and scavengers through it until he finds his thongs. He slips them on and slings his backpack over his shoulder before he begins his short journey down the sandy valley before him. He promptly walks along the banks ahead of him - though he's afflicted by the desire to feel the sand with his feet, well-knowing he won't be able to withstand the heat of the sand - though he comes up with a quick solution - he walks down to the region of the sand that the waves reach. This provides the opportunity to stand on cooler sand. Once he gets close enough, he removes his thongs and slips them back into his bag. He's finally able to feel the sand on his feet, without dealing with the heat. He walks further along the water, cautiously observing the ground in front of him to avoid stepping on any potential hazards. He is lost in thought for a moment as he maintains his focus, watching the ground in front of him, and finally noticing the strange stinging feeling on the back of his neck. Suddenly... Splash! A strong wave rapidly overtakes the weaker ones, climbing across the shoreline, and hitting his legs, splashing salty water onto his clothes. He is momentarily dazed, with the realization of what happened slowly setting in, but slightly clouded by the overwhelming smell of the salt on his clothes and the taste of sea water on his lips. Suddenly... he grins? He lets out a slightly self-deprecating chuckle before deciding to return home, not a very eventful day - but an adequate break from his usual daily life.
Noah Harnath
Year 9
Next week I will be able to give you all the news from the Year 8 Camp and the latest report for Year 7 and Year 9.
Wishing you a great week
Denise Leggett
Assistant Principal
Senior School
To students and families of the Mornington Senior School,
I hope you’ve had a wonderful week as the weather returned to summer-like conditions for us. Now we have a long weekend which may be important for our Senior School students as they prepare for ‘SAC season’ in Years 11 & 12 and assessments in Year 10.
Year 12 Retreat
Hopefully our year 12s slept well after their retreat in week 5 – I know I did! It was great to see students in a different environment and they supported each other through a wide range of the activities. As a whole, I was proud of the group (and the staff who took time away from their families to be there) and they’ve set a benchmark for future cohorts.
I visited a few classrooms this week and all students were preparing for their first round of SACs with English, Psychology and Outdoor Education all being assessed this week. This can be a nervous time for students, and they will soon review their preparation for the SACs and how it helped them to achieve the goals they have set for the term. If you want to see those goals, they are currently visible in Compass for students, parents and staff.
Year 11 ATAR & VM
I had the privilege of attending the Year 11 assembly during the week where well over 50% of the cohort were recognised for their efforts in class, achievement and attendance. We also had the opportunity to officially present our Year 11 student leadership team with their badges and a certificate noting their leadership.
Our VCE VM students took part in an excursion to Bayside Rock to take part in a rock-climbing session that gave teachers the opportunity to authenticate some of the outcomes in the Personal Development curriculum.
Personal Details forms for VASS (statewide system for recording results)
Our Year 10-12s will be entering or checking their personal details over the next couple of weeks. Their Connect teacher will guide them through this process. It’s really important that students enter their details accurately (i.e. name how it appears on a birth certificate/passport) as these details will need to match or can play havoc with releasing results after Year 12.
Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) for our VCE VM students
This is the week, we expect our VCE VM students to have organised their SWL paperwork which will be signed off by a member of the principal team. This is a huge part of the VCE VM program and our Work-Related Skills teachers will be providing support and may be in contact with families to assist our students in obtaining the placement and completing the required obligations and certificates. This is a big part of preparing our students to be work-ready.
What is coming up this term in the Senior School?
Mon 10th Mar – Labour Day Public Holiday – no classes.
Tues 11th Mar – MSC Athletics Day
Thurs 3rd Apr – Parent Teacher interviews – no classes
Have a fantastic long weekend and I look forward to seeing the students for the MSC athletics carnival on Tuesday.
Nick Evans
Senior School Assistant Principal
School Council Student representative required
The 2025 College School Council is being finalised as I type and we are looking for a student representative to help give student voice to the decision making at council. So if your child has an interest in leadership and has views about how we make our school even better, then get them to come and see me.
Merit Awards
We are starting to see the first lot of merit points being awarded for students for Term 1 extra curricular participation. As I mentioned last week, students get 1 point for each hour of involvement in “The Arts”, “Sport and Recreation” and “Community and Service”. Students with more than 100 points will be receiving their badges at our whole school assembly in Term 2.
ANZAC Day Advanced notice.
ANZAC day is a significant event for our College. We will be holding an Anzac commemoration for our students on Thursday 24th of April from 10am and I would like to extend an invitation to all members of our school community to attend this event.
On Friday 25th of April (Actual ANZAC day public holiday) we will be marching up Main St as part of the annual Mornington commemoration. I would like to extend an invitation to all students to come and be a part of this march up Main St. Given this day marks the supreme sacrifice made by so many so we can enjoy our freedoms, I think it is fitting that we as a College community make a small sacrifice to mark the day.
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal
Open Night 2025
Please spread the word, or better still, please come and join us at our 2025 Open Night Showcase.
On Tuesday 25th March from 5-7pm, we will be hosting an Open Night for prospective Mornington Secondary College students and families. The night will be filled with an assortment of activities and entertainment across all of our key learning areas. It will be a fun night, with food options available for visiting families.
Year 12 Retreat
Last week our Year 12 students headed to our first ever Year 12 Retreat. Our students were very excited for this and they had an amazing time, playing all in and getting involved in all the activities.
We started with a survivor style team challenge and scavenger hunt in Flinders before we set up camp at Golden Valleys Adventure camp. Here our students participated in hut building, the giant swing, leap of faith, obstacle course, to name a few, as well as our wellbeing morning and cyber safety sessions.
Our students gave everything a go, stepped out of their comfort zone, worked on their team skills and leadership skills.
Our students told us that they loved the opportunity to do this camp with their friends and to try new things. The sand volleyball court was a big hit also and in the afternoon the students would gather here either playing or watching the games.
A massive thank you to the students and staff who attended, it will certainly be something we all look back on in our futures fondly.
Jo Reeman
Team Leader Year 12
Year 12 Retreat Wellbeing Activities
Last week the Wellbeing team attended the Year 12 Retreat to engage the students in three activities which promoted team building strategies, mindfulness and creativity. The students were divided into three groups, mixing with people who were different from their friendship group to encourage and foster new interactions and engagement with each other.
One group were challenged to fold a tarp whilst standing together, with and without communication. This highlighted the importance of clear and respectful communication, talking and sharing and building on team skills. The second group were provided with a bunch of threads where they mindfully weaved a bracelet to remind them of the time on the Retreat throughout the coming year. The last group were asked to paint their favourite emoji or a symbol of significance which is now being displayed in the Year 12 area for their last year in 2025.
The students engaged well and displayed the many skills, talents, strengths, and resilience, to give anything a go and to enjoy the process of learning and fun along the way.
The Wellbeing team will continue to engage with the students throughout the year to remind and encourage them to take time out for their mental wellbeing in a year which can be emotionally and mentally difficult but also very rewarding and memorable.
Mike Parker
Assistant Principal - Curriculum and Student Wellbeing
Nicole Boland, Michelle Allsop, Maddy Collinge, Suzie Adsett
The Wellbeing Team at Mornington Secondary College
Year 11 Assembly
The Year 11 ATAR had a celebratory mid term assembly on Tuesday. Our year level leaders were presented with their certificates and badges. Jack Pryor and Isaiah Feiloakitau are the Year 11 Captains and Noah Almond is the Vice Captain.
Subject teachers nominated students who displayed our school values of Achievement, Respect and Community. Students received awards which detailed how they showed these values in their classes. It was wonderful to award 81 students. A focus on attendance rewarded students who have so far achieved 100% attendance. VCAA expectation for attendance is 95% and above. All students were in correct uniform which is fantastic.
These awards show that the Year 11 students are settling in well with their VCE journey.
Dr Jasmine Keough
Team Leader Year 11
Year 11VM Bayside Rock excursion
On Tuesday 4th March the Year 11VM students travelled to Bayside Rock in Carrum Downs. The students were required to work in teams and complete a range of tasks that included top rope rock climbing, high ropes course and caving. These activities were selected to help students improve their emotional intelligence and regulation of emotions, as well as their critical thinking, problem solving, decision-making, strategy, communication and teamwork skills. The students represented the school beautifully, being respectful and polite, as well as challenging themselves to step outside their comfort zone and try new things.
Michael Williams
Year Level Coordinator 11
Year 9 Update
Congratulations to Our Year 9 Captains on a Successful Connect Trivia Lesson!
I would like to congratulate our Year 9 Captains — Chloe Smith, Lulu Ramalinga, Ella Pleiter-Singleton, and Campbell Duthie — for their outstanding leadership in organizing and running a fun-filled Connect Trivia lesson recently.
The captains took on the task of creating a memorable and engaging experience for their peers, and they certainly delivered!
The trivia event was packed with exciting and diverse categories, ranging from Sport and Global Landmarks to general knowledge, ensuring there was something for everyone. It was a fantastic way for students to showcase their knowledge while having a great time together.
After a fun-filled, competitive session, it was 9C who emerged victorious, claiming the top spot! Congratulations to the students of 9C for their impressive teamwork and knowledge.
Robert Horwill
Year 9 Team Leader
Year 8 Phillip Island - Camp 1
Two groups of students (40 in Camp 1 & 36 in Camp 2) ventured to Phillip Island for 3 days of Surfing, SUP, Snorkelling, Clip and Climb and the Penguin Parade. We were blessed with perfect weather for the whole week allowing the students to have a great camp experience. Students represented the school with distinction and were praised by external vendors throughout the week.
Thankyou to Kim Rattue, Shaun Doherty, Katrina Antione, Ruby Woodward, Paul Papettas, Lewis Lynch and Kobi Lawson for giving up their time to allow the students the opportunity. No doubt everyone involved will enjoy the long weekend!
Camp 1 photos:
Camp 2 photos to follow in next week's newsletter.
Adam Pirrie
Year 8 Team Leader
Year 7 Culture Class with Fuka Sensei
Last week, during a cultural class, our Year 7Cs worked with Fuka, who is visiting us from Japan on exchange.
Kirsty Hamson
Japanese/Drama/Personal Development Teacher
Year 7 The Corner Youth Hub Visit
Throughout week 6 all Year 7 Connect classes visited The Corner Youth Centre. This valuable experience was enjoyed by each of our Year 7 students. We learnt about all the different opportunities The Corner provide and their programs on offer to young people.
About The Corner
The Corner Youth Hub in Mornington provide a safe space to drop in, hang out with your friends or make new ones. The Hub is fitted out with some great equipment and we also have a range of other activities on offer. The Corner has a pool table, Table Soccer and Ping pong table as well as an Xbox One and Nintendo Wii U. There are board games, a number of computers, free wi-fi, and if you feel like just relaxing then there’s plenty of lounges where you can sit and listen to some music. Qualified Youth Workers are also available to provide information and support.
What's on offer at The Corner
• Qualified Youth Workers
• Meeting rooms
• Assistance with employment and education
• Holiday programs
• Arts and craft
• Pool Table, Table Tennis and Table Soccer
• Comfortable lounges
• Magazines, books and board games
• Ball sports
• Cooking Activities
Feedback from the students:
“I liked all the games and free time we had there. I learnt a lot about what The Corner offers and all the programs that run there and who The Corner is for. It was a really fun excursion and I’d recommend it to others." Alex G 7B
“The Corner was definitely a good place to go and visit. They spoke about all the fun activities and excursions they run on the school holidays. The interactive games we played were all really fun and I enjoyed the group games and getting to know others I wouldn’t normally pair up with”. Jess M 7B
“The Corner excursion was so much fun, the activities were phenomenal. I liked the circle game where we had to match the community programs and then learn about the program. I would highly recommend others to visit The Corner”. Will K 7B
For more information about the corner please follow the link provided below.
Alex Mackenzie
Year 7 Coordinator
Division Swimming
On Thursday 27th February the Southern Peninsula Division swimming championships were held at the Pines Pool. We had some outstanding individual, medley and freestyle relay results. Our intermediate (15 & 16 Year combined age groups) were very strong, winning the age group pennant. There was a great team spirit with all our swimmers being very supportive and encouraging of each other.
Our swimming team was led by our age group captains which were as follows:
Junior girls Emily and Hannah Cooper
Junior boys Jake Lillecrapp
Intermediate boys Curtis Eagleson
Intermediate girls Lacey Rattue
Senior boys Matt Rattue
Unfortunately, we did not have any girls represent the school in the 17- & 18-20-Years age groups which was a disappointment, so we did not have a senior girl’s swim captain.
I would like to say a massive thank you and congratulations to all our swimmers who represented the school. They all swam to the best of their ability and gained points for the school in their events. The students demonstrated commitment by being organised and being at all their events on time.
Our winners of events are as follows:
16-20 boys 200m freestyle Jimmy Tiller
12-13 girls 50m butterfly Claire Rattue
18-20 boys 50m butterfly Matt Rattue
16 boys 50m backstroke Heath Tiller
18-20 boys 50m backstroke Xavier Brown
16-20 boys 200 individual medley Heath Tiller
15-16 boys Medley relay: Curtis Eagleson, Alex Chambers, Heath & Jimmy Tiller
17-20 boys Medley relay: Matt Rattue, Ryan Sleep, Will Griffiths, Jack Jones
16 boys freestyle relay: Curtis Eagleson, Alex Chambers, Heath & Jimmy Tiller
17 boys freestyle relay: Jack Jones, Tom Milburn, Ryan Sleep, Will Griffiths
18-20 boys freestyle relay: Xavier Brown, Matt Rattue, Baylin Wilcox, Caiden Styles
The overall school combined team scores were as follows:
Combined boys school results Combined girls’ school results
1 Dromana 392 points 1 Dromana 441 points
2 Mornington 314 points 2 Rosebud 400 points
3 Rosebud 266 points 3 Somerville 253 points
4 Somerville 222 points 4 Mt Eliza 174 points
5 Mt Eliza 193 points 5 Mornington 113 points
6 W.Port 118 points 6 Independent 28 points
Grand aggregate school scores
1 Dromana 833 points
2 Rosebud 666 points
3 Somerville 475 points
4 Mornington 427 points
5 Mt Eliza 367 points
6 W.Port 118 points
Our winners from the Division swimming championships will progress on to the next level which is the Southern Metropolitan Region swimming championships which will be held at the Oakleigh Recreation Centre on March 24th.
John Walker
College Sport Coordinator
Year 11 Art Making and Exhibiting
Our Year 11s focused on materials and techniques last week; in particular, apple studies.
Year 8 Art classwork
Our Year 8s recently made Mache Action Figure sculptures.
Art Club mural
This week we proudly installed our Art Club mural. The mural is made up using handmade clay discs, each one made by the students. Every disc is personalised in some way.
Lea Gilbert
Head of Art
Hands on Learning: Public Space Artwork Project
Last week our Year 8 and Year 9 Hands on Learning students had their second session of creating a public space artwork guided by Inigo Chiquirrin (Txiki) and Kate Jensen from 'Everyday Dude' art organisation. The project is to paint the side of Fusion Op Shop wall in Robertson Drive with an artwork chosen by the students. We are all looking forward to the soon to be revealed finished result!
Matt Butcher
Hands on Learning
Students of the Week
Year 7 Billy Vella
Favourite food: Chicken
Hobbies out of school: Video games – Red Dead Redemption 2
What sports team do you follow: Collingwood
Favourite TV show: South Park
Do you have any pets: 2 cats named Simon and Simba and a dog called Dash
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Japanese and hanging out with mates at lunch
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Streamer or youtuber
Year 7 Neve Lyons
Favourite food: Chicken Parma
Hobbies out of school: Swimming and hanging out with friends
What sports team do you follow: Essendon bombers
Favourite TV show: Matilda
Do you have any pets: Dog named Barry
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Seeing friends
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Not sure yet
Year 8 Charlotte Davies
Favourite Food: Cottage Pie
Hobbies out of school: Athletics, writing
Favourite TV Show: Vampire Diaries
Do you have any pets: 1 dog called Rowlie
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Friends, teachers, supports offered
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Hurdler at Olympics, School Principal
Year 9 Melsie Pascuzzo
Favourite Food: Sushi
Hobbies out of school: Running and netball
What sports team do you follow: Hawthorn
Favourite TV Show: Outer Banks
Do you have any pets: One dog and one cat
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? I enjoy seeing my friends and talking to everybody
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? I'm not really sure at this age, I'm open to anything
Year 9 Harvey Austin
Favourite Food: Salami
Hobbies out of school: Soccer
What sports team do you follow: Adelaide Crows
Favourite TV Show: Brooklyn 99
Do you have any pets: Yes, 5 pets
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Sport
What career do you wish to follow when you finish school? Business
Year 10 Will Griffiths
House: Beleura
My Favourite Subject: Literacy
Hobbies out of school: Football and sports
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? My VET course
Dream Job: Chippy or Carpenter
Year 11 Eddy Green
House: Balcombe
My favourite subject: Music Performance
Hobbies out of school: Guitar playing
What do you enjoy most about being at Mornington Secondary College? Music
Dream job: If I could be anything, I'd be a famous musician
Athletics Day: Tuesday 11th March
Next week Mornington Secondary College students will be travelling to Ballam Park for our Athletics Day. Students will represent their Houses, and parents are welcome to attend as spectators and supporters.
Mornington Lions Annual Charity Book Fair
If you're a book lover, please head down and grab yourself a bargain at the Mornington Lions Annual Charity Book Fair on 10th and 11th April at the Peninsula Community Theatre. All other details are in the below flyer.
Young Carer Scholarship Program 2025
With more than 62,400 young people in Victoria who have significant care responsibilities for a loved one, there is a good chance you either know a young carer or are one yourself.
The Carers Victoria's Young Carer Scholarship Program recognises young carers' contributions to their families and communities. It offers opportunities for skill development, educational enhancement, and community engagement through scholarships of up to $500.
Secondary school students in Victoria providing care and support to a family member with illness or disability are eligible to apply. Key dates for the application process are:
Applications open: Monday 3rd March 2025
Applications close: Sunday 13th April 2025
Notification of outcomes: Friday 30th May 2025
For more information on how to apply, please read the below link.
To complete the application, please open the below online form.
Trade and Tech Fit Career Expo 2025
Female and gender-diverse students in Years 7-12 are invited to dive into the dynamic world of trade and tech industries. Trade & Tech Fit is the largest hands-on career expo in Victoria. Open exclusively to female and gender diverse students, the event fosters a welcoming and enthusiastic atmosphere that showcases engaging displays, supportive discussions and an array of career opportunities in traditionally male dominated fields. Please refer to below PDF for more information on the 3rd to 4th June 2025 Expo.
Koorie Youth Summit 2025
All Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary School Students across the Mornington Peninsula are invited to a day of culture and connection at Willum Warrain. These Youth Summits are designed for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Secondary School Students to come together for day of enjoyment and connection.
International Women's Day - Saturday 8th March
Saturday 8th March 2025 is International Women’s Day, giving us all a chance to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women across the globe.
The Bayside Peninsula Area Head Start team welcome any support in opportunities for young women in school based apprenticeships and traineeships (SBATs). If you can assist, please contact them on email:
School Savings Bonus Information for Parents/Carers
Please refer to the below document for a guide on how to access and use the School Savings Bonus (SSB).
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