Senior School News
Senior School Report
As the first term draws to a close, I’d like to congratulate our senior school cohort on their efforts, to date. It’s been a very busy start to the year and, as a whole, our senior school students have approached their studies with enthusiasm and tackled any work requirements with vigour. Some highlights on the term have been the Year 12 Big Day Out, Physics Excursion and Outdoor Ed trip, House Swimming Sports and Helen Billet’s English lecture. And, next week, we will end the term with 23 couples participating in the annual Deb Ball.
Next term also looks to be a busy one with our Year 11 students travelling to Monash University for a tour on the 1st of May and year 12s travelling to Traralgon on the 10th of May to participate in the P.A.R.T.Y. program, an Alcohol and Risk- Related Trauma in Youth program. The school will also be holding the House Cross Country and House athletics in the first few weeks whilst our Outdoor Ed students will make a second wilderness trip.
Over the holidays, I advise each of our students to enjoy the break but to also make sure that they allocate some time to catch-up on any missed work, during the term, and complete any holiday homework that they have been given. This will help ensure that they will be in the best position they can be as they end into the second half of the semester. Should any parents have any concerns, then please feel free to contact me on 51471790 or or the relevant coordinators – Carol Caffrey (Year 12), Brett Hudson (Year 11) or Heidi Bassler (Year 10).
Kind regards,
Ryan Evans
Senior School Leader