TheirCare News

Hi parents, guardians, staff, and friends! Welcome to Week 9 of Term 4!

Still can’t believe we’re already in Week 9, this school year is going so quickly. This week's theme was Summer. Though the weather for this week was not quite that summery, we were still able to play outside during the afternoons. Early in the week, we created ice cream popsicles – the children loved this activity and we saw how children use their imagination and creativity with the use of various colours and designs to create amazing and unique ice cream popsicles, they even name the flavours of their ice cream! This week we also did origami where we got the children to create cool origami creations and they even made an origami shop. Every morning this week we tried to use the gym as much as we could, and we played blocked soccer, soccer competitions, and dodgeball. And though the weather this week was quite unpredictable we still had a lot of fun at TheirCare!


This week we were excited and happy to welcome back Ashleigh after having her knee surgery. This week we completed the lockdown drill and medical emergency drill. The children showed great maturity and were responsible during the drill. 


This week’s Pupil of the Week is Alexandra Pipilikas for supporting one of our younger preps while they were hurt and making sure they were okay before going home! Well done, Alex! You should be proud of yourself!! 😊😊


The end of the school year is fast approaching so is the summer holiday program fun. The holiday program activities have come out with some exciting excursions planned, from going to see the new movie Wish, Jump ‘n’ Jam, Ninja Warrior Quest and Go Climb to visiting Werribee Zoo – we are going to have a lot of fun!! Planners for the Holiday program are available on the TheirCare website, and we will have some hard copies next week. The Summer Holiday program will be starting on the 8th of January 2024. 


I would like to let the prep families know that for the past few weeks, the prep children did an amazing job and showed great independence as they walked to TheirCare every afternoon (supervised by one of the TheirCare staff). I would also like to let the prep families know that starting next week on the 4th of December 2023, prep children will be walking by themselves and will leave their classroom at 3:20pm like their fellow classmates and will make their way independently to TheirCare. 


For all families – if you have any questions about TheirCare and would like to have a chat please come and visit us in Emu Corner in the morning and afternoon, alternatively, you can contact us on the details provided and we will help you as best we can. 😊


TheirCare Team

Angie, Connie, Jicinta and Lesley 

Contact Details: 

Service Phone: 0487 004 072 

Service Email: 

Head Office: 1300 072 410