Teaching & Learning News

Grade 6 Poetry

From last week's Assembly Presentation


Limericks are Irish poems that have the rhyming pattern AABBA, or line 1 and 2 rhyme, line 3 and 4 rhyme, and line 5 rhymes with line 1 and 2. This is our limerick about the beach.


The beach is really cool,

And it’s much bigger than a pool,

Hours feel like days,

While riding the waves,

Plus, it’s much better than school!


By Joshua Griffioen & Jonny Jones 

A shape poem is written about something but also drawn in the shape of that thing.

This shape poem is about basketball:


Basketball basketball is so nice

It's Better than being on a device

Bounce pass n shoot 

To get it in the hoop 

Play with your friends 

But don’t forget to defend

Being on a team 

Will help your self esteem 

Take it up the court 

It’s such a good sport

Try your best and never quit

And that way you will be fit

Basketball basketball is so nice

It's Better than being on a device


By Shukri Nuri & Ella Meyer 

A black out poem can start from any text. 

Whether it’s an informative text, or a narrative, it just can’t be one that you wrote.

Once you have your text, you can black out (or delete) as much of it as you need. 

Then you’re left with your very own blackout poem. You can also add artwork to the background to add an extra feature.


This is our Poem…

The wheel turns motionless. Silently. Nothing holds together but sometimes people find this out too late.


By Billie Shortis & Chase Brown

 Alliteration is a form of poetry that has the same sounding letter on the start of nearly every word. It’s also found in songs, raps, speeches and other kinds of writing.


Can you find sounds at the beginning of each word that repeat, as we read this poem?


Happy Harvey creates hash browns for breakfast and cooks healthy hamburgers for a hungry and happy lunch. 


Hilariously his hot hands held a hunk of halibut for hungry Harry to have. They happily hummed home after their heavenly harvest.


Can you guess what the one sound was…. if you guessed ‘h’ you were correct.


By Harvey Howe & Charlie Muhllechner


VHAP 2023

Firstly, a huge congratulations on the achievements of the Grade 5 and6 students who have completed one of the Victorian High Ability Programs this year. Over the past four terms, students were chosen to participate by the Victorian Department of Education, based on their previous academic achievements. This program encourages students to be inspired and challenged by each other and to gain confidence in their choices and abilities across either primary English or primary mathematics. 


The students attended weekly sessions throughout the term on Thursday mornings and this was delivered online through the Virtual School Victoria. It was impressive that Footscray West PS was represented so well by these students who were prepared and organised each week for their sessions. It was pleasing to see such a strong level of engagement, excitement and effort amongst the students to be a part of the VHAP in 2023.


We are already anticipating a number of students who will participate in the 2024 program and, as always, we will acknowledge these students throughout the year with certificates at the end of each term. 


We would like to acknowledge the following students who participated in VHAP in 2023.