Year 7 SEAL Slam Poetr

On Friday 8th December, students from both Year 7 SEAL classes bravely faced their fears and presented poems to their classes, parents, and staff. In the preceding weeks, students had worked hard on incorporating the themes of courage and determination into their poems, to convey a time in their life, or of someone they loved, where they needed to be strong. Students then spent time practicing in class, to memorise their poems, so that they could present them with confidence and poise. The results were amazing and inspiring! Topics covered included soccer, umpiring, bike riding, starting at a new school, friendships, cancer, kindergarten, chronic fatigue, war and so much more.
This year, we were incredibly lucky to have West End Cycles donate two $20 vouchers, and we are so grateful to Wes for his generosity. Picking winners of the prizes was incredibly difficult, as all the poems were special in one way or another. Below are the students who were awarded prizes and a photo of all the students, as everyone was a winner on the day.
Thank you to the students for working so hard on their poems and for not ever asking if they could get out of doing the performance. Oral presentations are incredibly important in building lifelong skills of communication and confidence and I am so very proud of all my students for stepping up to the challenge. One parent sent through the following feedback which I feel sums up the morning: “WOW! I am so overwhelmed with emotions! The students did such an AMAZING job. Well done Ms Wealands for giving them a safe space to express themselves like that. I’m lost for words and think I need a good cry now!”
Most Creative: Charlotte Walker
Most Engaging: Atticus Carta
Most Courageous: Lachlan Downing
Best Overall: Ruby Burns
Bravo 7 SEAL students!
- Ms Wealands