Keena's Message

Deputy Principal - St Brigid's Primary School

Term 3, Week 9

Dear Families,

As we wind down for the end of term, I want to say a big thank you for your continued support for our teachers and the wonderful learning journey we’ve all been on together. Your involvement and encouragement make a real difference, and we look forward to an exciting Term 4.



Last weekend, some of our Year 4 students celebrated their First Holy Communion, an important step in their faith journey. The ceremony was a part of the weekend masses and was an opportunity for family, friends, and the parish community to come together. We look forward to supporting them as they grow in their faith. These masses will continue this weekend for the remaining Year 4 students. Please keep them in your prayers.


We are reminded by Pope Francis that the Eucharist is a “miracle” in which Jesus nourishes us with his life and satisfies the hunger in our hearts. “All of us need the Eucharist.” He goes on to say, “The heavenly bread, which comes from the Father, is more than necessary because it satisfies the hunger for hope, the hunger for truth, and the hunger for salvation that we all feel not in our stomachs but in our hearts.”


The Pope encourages us to reflect with “wonder and gratitude” on the “miracle of the Eucharist” in which Jesus “makes himself present for us and with us.”

Thanks to him, we can live in communion with and and among ourselves.

The Pope’s reflection is based on Jesus’ words from Chapter 6 of the Gospel of John: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven.” Let us all be reminded of this special gift from Jesus that feeds us, not with regular food but with the love and hope we need in our hearts.


Photos can be found on the Learning & Teaching page.



Following our Sun Smart Policy, students will be required to wear their school hats in Term 4. Students (and staff) are required to wear them whenever they are outside – this includes Physical Education lessons. Please assist your child to find their hat at home.

Hats can be purchased through


Middles Camp 

Our recent school camp to Campaspe Downs was a wonderful opportunity for the Middles students to form new friendships and grow in independence. They took on challenges like the possum glider, the centipede, rock wall climbing, and building bush shelters in bushcraft, all of which were the favourites. It was great to see the students thrive in a different environment, embracing new experiences with enthusiasm. The camp allowed them to connect with each other in ways that go beyond the classroom. Going to camp is always an exciting and sometimes anxious time for our students.


There are many hours of preparation involved to ensure the camp runs smoothly and the

students are kept safe and of course, fed! Thank you to all the staff who planned, attended, assisted, and supported the camp - Michelle Haller, Miss Annie Irwin, Luke Carter, Kylie Vacirca, Mick Day, Ruby Watts, Jackie Schober, Jess Toniolo, Perri James, Jayde Turner, and Tome Murrone. Check out the Learning & Teaching page for some of the photos!


MACS Family School Improvement Survey

Our school is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School

Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen

to the thoughts and feelings that students, families, and staff have about how their

school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools

across the Archdiocese of Melbourne.


One of the main goals of the Family Survey is to identify the strengths and areas for im-

improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and pro-

vides valuable community insights on areas that each school can focus on. Our school 

believes it is important for families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the 

ongoing improvement of the school.


This is a reminder to take up the opportunity to complete this survey.  All families were sent an email with a link to complete the survey. It can be accessed between Monday 2 September and Friday 20 September 2024. 


Parent / Teacher Interviews 

Thank you to the families who attended parent-teacher interviews this week. Regular meetings like these are vital for sharing insights into your child’s learning progress and discussing ways to support their development. They also help strengthen the partnership between home and school, ensuring we are working together to create the best possible learning environment. 


National Child Protection Week

Last week was National Child Protection Week (NCPW). The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) first began coordinating this week across Australia in an effort to engage and educate all Australians to understand they have a part to play in keeping our children and young people safe.


This year’s theme, “Every Conversation Matters,” is a timely reminder of how powerful everyday chats with children can be – especially when it comes to their online lives.  

The online world offers incredible opportunities but also has its share of risks we need to educate children about.  Staying safe online is not just a focus during this week, but rather a topic to always keep in mind and talk about with our kids.


The good news is that as parents, carers, and educators, you can take practical steps to make a real difference. The research shows that when we strengthen the support systems around children, we give them the best chance to stay safe online. 


Please head to this link to find out more information about conversations and actions you can take with your children.



Term 3 & 4 Reminders:

A reminder that school finishes at 2.20 pm on Friday 20th September.

Term 4 commences at 8.50 am on Monday 7th October.


Thank you – have a great weekend!

Keena 🙂


Miss Mel's Greetings from Greece

As we embark on this sacred journey, we step into an ancient faith tradition, joining the countless saints and pilgrims who have walked this path before us. Together with my fellow principals from the outer north-western region, we are exploring the holy and historic sites of Athens.


Following in the footsteps of St. Paul, we reflect on our own faith traditions and their connection to the modern world, asking how these ancient lessons can guide us within our own communities. Standing at the Acropolis, where St. Paul once addressed the Athenians, we gathered for prayer and a reading from Acts 17:15-34, which is inscribed in stone there. It was a profound moment, standing on ground where faith and history converge.


After visiting the Acropolis, Corinth, and the Monastery of Hosios Loukas, I noticed a common thread woven throughout each site. I was struck by the intricate craftsmanship—the beauty, detail, and storytelling that reflected a journey and its significance to society. The messages of the past echo through these creations, reminding me of the patience and dedication it took to build spaces for worship and community.


It dawned on me that, just as in ancient times, each of us has a unique and vital role to play - whether in our schools, homes, or society. Like the pieces of a mosaic, every person contributes to a larger, richer picture. Our community, too, is incomplete without each other. In every context - be it a religious order, a school, or a home - there are leaders, creators, organizers, mentors, and wise ones. There are those who cook, garden, build, and repair. Some uplift spirits, some listen, and others speak. Together, we support one another, building harmonious communities that thrive through shared connection and a common journey.


Aoife and I lit a candle and took time to pray together for our Year 4 children as they celebrate the Sacrament of Eucharist.


Looking forward to sharing new insights in our next newsletter and via our socials.

#stbsislivingitandlovingit #faithincommunity #journeytogether #pilgrimageofhope #buildingfaith #ancientwisdommodernfaith #walkingwithpurpose #strongertogether


St B's Socials

Our school uses social media to enhance our presence and keep our community updated with the latest news, events, and achievements. By following us, you can stay informed about our wonderful community events, innovative learning experiences, and important updates. If you haven't already, we invite you to follow us on:

Please share our profiles with your family and friends. Together, we can celebrate the vibrant and dynamic spirit of our school community.