Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

EmiliaPACFor your enthusiasm and positive attitude towards learning. Keep up the amazing effort!
NashPAKFor consistently showing attentive listening and trying your best. Wonderful effort!
AriyaPBDFor being an inclusive friend, who works co-operatively and enthusiastically with others in all group tasks. Keep it up!
TuPKTFor taking the time and effort to put in her personal best in every task. Well done, Tu!
MatildaPLBFor applying a growth mindset and her personal best effort when working through division problems in Maths. A brilliant effort Matilda!
Lincoln1JIFor showing determination and applying your personal best effort when completing numeracy warm ups. Your enthusiasm is to be applauded. Wonderful effort.
Lucy1JSFor always making a conscious effort to follow classroom expectations and being a great role model for her peers.
Zed1LEFor sharing great factual knowledge with the class.
Tex1LLFor consistently showing mutual respect and kindness to your classmates. Well done, Tex!
Maria1TNFor your enthusiastic participation during small group reading sessions. Wonderful effort Maria.
Kim2CWFor the enthusiasm and growth mindset you apply each day. Keep it up Kim!
Benjiman 2DWFor the enthusiasm he has shown when writing an information report about sharks. You have created a great piece of writing full of facts and comedy. Well done!
Cara2HRFor always having the confidence to participate in class discussions. It's great to hear you share your thoughts and ideas with the class. Well done, Cara!
Maggie2TFFor consistently demonstrating a can-do attitude to all learning activities.
Elijah3CGFor trying his best and treating his community with care! Keep it up Elijah.
Atikah3MKFor the impressive effort that you applied to your persuasive text. Amazing work Atikah!
Nora3MPFor always showing Mutual Respect to others.
Maggie 3TMFor your enthusiasm towards all learning tasks. Keep up the excellent attitude Maggie!
Lourdes4AFFor stepping outside of her comfort zone during the Kaboom Kids activities. Amazing work Lourdes, I'm so proud of you!
Hannah4JDFor applying a growth mindset in Numeracy and a willingness to extend herself. You should be proud of your efforts!
Hikma4MSFor being a role model in the class through always following the school agreements. Well done, Hikma!
Monty4TCFor his growth mindset and the positive attitude he brings to the classroom. Well done, Monty!
Arnav5LWFor sharing his expertise and being a supportive and helpful classmate to all.
Emma5MCFor always being an attentive listener, who follows the school agreements and is a kind friend. Great work Emma!
Aaron 5THFor the incredible effort you put into everything you do. Keep up the good work!!
Ryan6LCFor the effort you put into your reflection during Literature Circles. Keep it up, Ryan!
Claire6MCFor her consistently strong work ethic across all subject areas. Keep up the amazing effort Claire!
Michael6MPFor writing some engaging poetry with captivating word choice. Well done, Michael!
George Lynch - 2TFTheirCareFor helping and caring for his friends when they are hurt and for being an amazing helper. Well done, George!!!