Principal's Report

Principal: Brendan Millar

In this Week's Newsletter

  • Appreciations and News…
    • Diversity Day
    • Student learning buddies process completed
    • Moving on?
    • Staffing change updated
    • Our second Prep Transition visit was held today
    • Covid cases
    • Grade 5 video
  • Coming up...tomorrow 
    • Assembly
    • Summer sport (away)
  • Coming week
    • Prep intensive swimming program
    • Grade 1 Minibeast incursion
    • Grade 4 Post Office Local excursion
    • Grade 6 2024 commemorative t-shirts
  • Coming up...over the next few weeks
    • Environment Team CERES excursion
    • Concert Week - Week 10
  • Repeated (and updated) messages

Appreciations and News

Diversity Day - We received great feedback from students and staff following our Kaboom Kids Diversity Day activities last Friday.  It was action packed and kids and staff really entered into the spirit of the activities.


Student Learning Buddies - Now that class teachers have provided the opportunity for all students to provide their list of 5 preferred learning buddies, we now have a complete list recorded by all students from grades prep to 5.  The teaching teams, with the support of the principal team will now begin formation of 2024 class lists, taking into account a number of parameters.  New students will be added to the lists and of course departing students will not be included.


Moving On? - Thanks to families who have communicated news of a change of residence and consequently a change of school for 2024.  If this message is relevant to your family, please communicate by contacting our office team directly or by email:


Staffing Changes - Last week I shared news regarding staff members who will be leaving us at the end of the year, either for 12 months or permanently.  I apologise, as I overlooked mentioning that grade 4 team leader, Jess Du Plessis will be taking maternity leave / family leave for the 2024 school year.  We of course will acknowledge Jess towards the end of the term.


Prep Transition - Our successful second Prep 2024 Transition day was held today.  For events such as transition events to occur smoothly, there is a great deal of planning and communication.  We appreciate that it is also disruptive to the current prep students and the teaching team - and they manage it superbly!


COVID Cases - Thanks to families who have remained vigilant and kept children home while unwell.  A recent dip in reported numbers gives us hope that numbers are decreasing.


Grade 5 Camp Video - Thanks to the students from 5MC who prepared a bright and breezy camp summary.  


View it at: Grade 5 Camp Kangaroobie 2023

Coming up…tomorrow

Assembly - Weather permitting, assembly will be held as usual at our Bilby shade sail at 2.40 pm tomorrow and it will be PLB’s turn to present their assembly item.  This will mark a full rotation of classes to have presented an assembly item this year - a highlight of our return to weekly live assemblies.  In the final few assemblies for the year we will see some additional presentations from our senior grades.  


Summer Sports - Tomorrow our grade 6 sporting teams will be playing an away game at Dinjerra PS.  Parents and carers are welcome to attend.

Coming up…next week

Prep Swimming Program - The Prep swimming fortnight intensive swim program starts next Monday with 102 students booked to attend.  The very high proportion of students means only a handful of students will need to be catered for at school for the two week program.  The program is based on confidence and competence with students being grouped to best meet the capabilities of each learner. Parents are welcome to attend as observers but are required to remain in the designated viewing area for the duration of the lesson.


Grade 1 Minibeast Incursion - Next Wednesday the grade 1 team are looking forward to applying their understanding in a practical manner by joining with the Labcoat Learning Company for a hands-on insightful minibeast incursion.  This will be held for all grade one classes throughout the day in our gallery space in the Dingo building.  


Grade 4 Post Office Local Excursion - As part of their Local Government unit, the grade 4 team are turning back the clock by using the postal service to communicate with local government on matters that concern them.  The grades will be making the trek to our local post office next Thursday to post their letters.


Grade 6 2024 Commemorative Polo Shirts - A valued right of passage for our senior students is the design and purchase of a distinctive school uniform polo shirt.  The predominantly bottle green design provides a counter to our traditional gold uniform design.  This opportunity has been communicated via a Compass event to all current grade 5 students.  The cut off date for ordering is Friday of next week, 17th November.  

Coming up...over the next few weeks

Environment Team Excursion to CERES - Appreciations to our Environment team conveners, Caity and Michael for organising an excursion to the Community Environment Park for our senior Environment Team members (and reserves) on November, 28th. This full day at CERES aims to develop students' leadership skills, particularly through the lens of sustainability and environmentalism. 


Concert Week - In last week's newsletter I mentioned that Week 10 (week starting 4th December) will be our concert week. Our Musical Futures (whole school) performances (along with grade one movement performances) will be held during the day - Monday to Wednesday. Our Soundgarage (user pays) performances will be held in the evening (Wednesday and Thursday). Details will be posted to families tomorrow in a separate Compass post.





Repeated (and updated) messages…