Junior School

As the term ticks quickly by, we trust that students and families enjoyed the four-day weekend just passed. I am sure the downtime was appreciated by all. Our Junior School has been as busy as ever. Our students remain focused and are engaged in consolidating their learning in preparation for their transition to the next year level. Final assessments are being conducted as we have moved into our assessment and reporting period. It brings us joy to celebrate every student's unique learning journey at Oxley.
In Week 4, we had the privilege of awarding the following students for their ROARsome behaviour as they have shown either Respect, Obedience, Acceptance or Resilience during the first half of the term.
ROAR Nominations Term 4 Week 4 | ||
Prep A | Nang Sian Sang (Sangpi) Lam | Respect |
Prep N | Tiana Jin | Obedience |
Prep W | Persia Taghi Bekloo | Resilience |
1CB | Alira Law | Respect |
1JB | Katherine Xing | Respect |
2A | Yan Tung (Alice) Ting | Respect |
2R | Zhen Tian | Resilience |
3G | Ezra Broadley -Pana | Acceptance |
3P | Cheryl Lu | Respect |
3R | Priya Heasman | Resilience |
4T | Angadvir (Angad) Singh | Resilience |
4W | Charisma Gray | Respect |
5MC | Johnathan John | Acceptance |
5MO | Vantha Par (Vantha) Sung | Respect |
6B | Jacob Eecen | Acceptance |
6G | Hannah Nelson | Acceptance |
Congratulations to all Prep – Year 2 students who participated in the recent Athletics. The weather in the lead up to the day was somewhat dubious, but we were blessed with a perfect overcast day where students could enjoy an array of track and field events as they competed for their House. At the end of the day, Gibeon Warriors were crowned the champions. Well done to all students for their positive attitude, encouragement of each other and for the incredible effort demonstrated in each activity.
We have enjoyed welcoming our 2024 Prep students to the Step into Prep orientation sessions, which assist pre-schoolers in successfully transitioning to the school environment. During these sessions, students met selected staff, participated in activities in the Prep classrooms and met future classmates. I am sure the countdown will be on as they anticipate their start to big school next year.
Students are eagerly gearing up for our upcoming Writing Celebration, an exciting culmination of their efforts to hone their writing skills throughout the year. The event serves as a platform for students to showcase their proficiency in employing VCOP strategies – Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation – that they have diligently learnt and practised this year. The primary goal of this event is to enhance their ability to edit and uplevel their written pieces. As the event draws near, anticipation is palpable, with students fine-tuning their compositions to present polished and refined work. The highlight of the celebration is the opportunity for students to present their creations to a wider audience, and parents are warmly invited to attend on Thursday 23 November, from 8.45am – 9.15am. This gathering not only acknowledges the students’ hard work but also fosters a sense of pride and accomplishment as they share their literary achievements with families and peers. It promises to be a morning filled with creativity, skilful writing, and a celebration of the journey these students have taken to become more adept wordsmiths.
Preparations are well underway for the 2024 academic year. We are pleased to advise families that the 2024 Booklists are now live through Lilydale Books. Families have been sent an email from our College Administration with a copy of the Let's Get Ready for School booklet outlining the requirements for the new year. A copy of the booklet is also available on the General Notices page. If you have any questions or have not received this email, please contact office@oxley.vic.edu.au.
We look forward to all our end of year celebrations, such as the Prep Nativity, Year 6 Graduation, Final Junior Assembly and the Parent Volunteers’ Morning Tea. We will enjoy warmly welcoming our parent community to these functions. Please ensure you read all communications on the College App at this busy time of the year and refer to the calendar on the Upcoming Events page for key dates. If you are ever unsure, your child’s teacher will always be willing to answer any questions. We look forward to sharing these events with you.
Do you not know? Have you not heard? The LORD is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom. Isaiah 40:28
Amy Liddle
Head of Junior School