Student Wellbeing

The Wellbeing Team: Felicity Brown, Isabella Farrar, Lavinia Cai, Pat Pekin, Lucy Wright 

& Suzanne Trease

LGBTQIA+ and SODA Club Reminder

Hello, Amazing Students!

We hope your school year is off to a fantastic end! As we settle into the rhythm of classes and assignments, we want to take a moment to remind you about the incredible LGBTQIA+ Club at Holloway campus and SODA Club at Bluff campus. 

Why Join the Clubs? The Clubs are a welcoming and inclusive space for all students to come together, share experiences, and build meaningful connections. Whether you identify as LGBTQIA+ or are an ally, our club provides a safe and supportive environment to learn, grow, and make lasting friendships.

Get Involved: We're always excited to welcome new faces and fresh ideas. If you're interested in helping organize events, share your thoughts on topics, or just make new friends, come join us at our meetings!

Remember, the LGBTQIA+ Club is a space where your voice matters, your identity is respected, and your presence makes a difference. Let's make this school year one filled with support, understanding, and celebration of who we are.

Clubs Details:

  • LGBTQIA+ Club at Holloway: Tuesday lunchtime every fortnight at Room 11 (Media class room).
  • SODA Club at Bluff: Thursday lunchtime every fortnight at Art Room S13.

Bayside Community Information & Support Service Inc.-BayCISS

BayCISS is a registered not-for-profit community charity providing an extensive range of services for community members living in the Bayside and parts of Kingston (bounded by South, Warrigal and Centre Dandenong Roads) local government areas.

BayCISS operates a Community Information Service in Hampton East and the Castlefield Community Centre and Neighbourhood House in Hampton.

Our services are free or low cost to enable access to all community members.


Services include:

Utility Relief Assistance, tax help, legal advice, budget and bill assistance, case work, advocacy, family counselling, emergency relief and child care support.


If you'd like to know more, head to their website 

Or you can contact them directly to access support.

BayCISS Hampton East Centre

12 Katoomba Street Hampton East, 9555 9910

Daily Mon - Friday 10am to 4pm



Thursday September 14


On Thursday, 14th of September, the Sandringham College community participated  raise awareness for RUOKDAY.


R U OK? inspire and empower everyone to meaningfully connect with the  people around them and start a conversation with those in their world who may be struggling with life. You don't need to be an expert to reach out - just a good friend and a great listener. 


Use these four steps and have a conversation that could change a life:

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in


A range of activities were organised and spread across both campuses, partnering with RUOKDAY to spark such meaningful conversations. The students wore casual clothes/a touch of yellow.Activities held across the school included :)

  • Bluff Rd campus students wore a touch of yellow
  • Holloway Rd campus students wore casual clothes
  • NUT FREEBake Sale held at Bluff Rd campus during lunchtime. 
  • Lunch time staff vs students netball game, held at Holloway Rd gymnasium.
  • Lunch time entertainment at Bluff with a series of 3 vs 3 basketball matches.
  • A RUOKDAY competition where students completed a survey to go in the running to win a MONEY VOUCHER!

The aim, which was achieved, was to raise awareness for RUOK? Day and spark meaningful conversation surrounding mental health.,support%20those%20struggling%20with%20life.