VCE Performing Arts Season

It's nearly VCE Performance Season!

The class of 2023 in VCE Theatre Studies, VCE VET Dance, and VCE Music will soon be presenting their work in a series of evening performances at the Holloway Theatre. Our Unit 3/4 students have been working hard on their repertoires, constructing their monologue performances and refining their dance pieces. The series of evening performances enable our students to prepare for their upcoming practical examinations by showing their work to an enthusiastic audience.  We would love to see family, friends and our local community in attendance to support them. We also especially encourage students who are interested in these VCE studies to come along and see the types of wonderful performances that our students create. 

Ensemble Performance Night

We Will Rock You


Congratulations to all Students, Staff and Parent volunteers involved in the production of We Will Rock You! Its been an incredible journey to be a part of. It really is a highlight of the school calendar!  

We'd like to say a big thank you to our alumni and parents & friends of the Performing Arts for the hours of work poured into the production in offering their support. From sewing costumes to sourcing props, from selling roses in our front of house team to painting set pieces, our helpers behind the scenes have been so generous with their time and energy. Congratulations to all of the students involved in the cast, crew and band - we hope you have had a Rockin' time.  

Join us next year for another incredible musical!