English Domain

Peta Prokopos - English Domain Leader

In English this Term, Year 7 students read and studied the text, ‘Sister Heart’, by Sally Morgan. Throughout their studies, they explored the Stolen Generation, what it was, why it happened, and its consequences on Indigenous people. They connected the idea of the Stolen Generation to Sally Morgan’s text and how she portrayed its impact through the development of her characters, the themes, and her use of language. As apart of their assessment for the Term, students learned how to structure and write an analytical essay in response to a question based on the text. They demonstrated their knowledge and understanding of the Stolen Generation in their response by discussing the text’s characters, themes, and language features.

Recently, the students have been focusing on their use and grasp of the English language by learning how to properly structure their sentences. The purpose of this is to build student awareness of their own writing and to build their confidence in and enjoyment of writing. To apply what they have learned, many students have engaged themselves in the VATE Writing Competition on the theme of ‘a story in miniature’. Students wrote about a specific moment in their daily lives in a creative format. A student has eagerly agreed to share their story. Please join us in celebrating our wonderful Year 7’s work!


A stroke of magic

By Lene Brand, 7A


Do you ever dream of something that seems impossible, yet so real that it makes you question reality? 


In the realm of dreams, where reality and imagination entwine like ancient lovers, there lived a dreamer. Every night, when the moon took its place in the velvety sky, she embarked on extraordinary journeys through the landscapes of her own subconscious.

One fateful night, she found herself standing on the edge of a shimmering lake. The water was like liquid glass, reflecting the star-studded heavens above. As she dipped her fingers into the cool, ethereal waters, ripples radiated outward, and the entire lake transformed into a swirling, iridescent whirl of magic, like two beautiful fish, swimming around each other in a gentle harmony.

Pulling her like an invisible thread, her curiosity stepped into the whirled water, and the world around her shifted. She found herself in a bustling marketplace, but this was no ordinary bazaar. The stalls were piled high with realities in every conceivable form. Dreams took shape as colourful feathers, glowing orbs, and even miniature worlds encased in glass spheres.

She was drawn to a stall with dreams in the form of books. Each book contained a unique story, a life yet to be lived. She picked one up and felt the power of the untold tales coursing through her fingertips. As she opened it, the words leapt from the pages, swirling around her, and she found herself living the life of a daring explorer in a lost jungle, seeking ancient treasures, and uncovering hidden mysteries.

But as quickly as it began, the adventure in the jungle ended, and she was back in the marketplace. She realised that in this dreamscape, she could experience countless lifetimes in a single night. It was a place where the boundaries of reality were as fluid as watercolour paint on canvas.

Her next stop was a stall where dreams took the form of musical notes. As she plucked one from the air and let it touch her lips, the world around her burst into song. She danced through enchanted forests, swam with mermaids in coral reefs, and soared with eagles over snow-capped mountains. Each note brought a new melody to her heart, a symphony of emotions that transcended words.

As she continued to explore, she encountered other dreamers who were navigating their own dreamscapes. They shared stories, laughed, and wept together. In this world of dreams, there was an unspoken understanding, a connection that transcended time and space.

As the night wore on, she felt the pull of the portal, beckoning her back to her own world. She reluctantly stepped through, leaving behind the dreams, the stories, and the adventures. Her brush lifted off the canvas with a gentle smile of serenity and peace. It was done. 


Members of the English team have also been discussing ways to encourage students to write for enjoyment. We are excited to announce a new school writing competition, which is open for all students from 7-12. Students from each year level will have the opportunity to create their own story on a prescribed theme. There will be three winners from each year level with prizes to be awarded to each. The competition will close on the 11th of October. For more information, please look at Compass and on the library website.

Matt Newman