Science Week (went off with a bang)!

Marc Lewandowski - Science Domain Lead

A variety of activities and demonstrations took place at both campuses to celebrate Science week (which for us is in Science is every week!).


At the Bluff Road campus, students had the opportunity to make sherbet, design a paper plane, enter a quiz and watch a flammable wax demonstration.

Flammable wax
Flammable wax

Year 8 have been learning about Chemical reactions in Science classes this term and some had the opportunity to see less common demonstrations like the screaming lolly, burning methane bubbles, flammable coffee whitener (which shows the effect of increasing surface area on flammability) and Elephant's toothpaste (showing the effect of a catalyst on the rapid decomposition of Hydrogen peroxide).

Screaming Lolly
Screaming Lolly
Methane bubbles
Methane bubbles
Flammability of a powder
Flammability of a powder
Elephant's toothpaste
Elephant's toothpaste
Oxidation of glycerol
Oxidation of glycerol

The bar had been set, so at the Holloway Road campus, the demonstrations had to be bigger (just like the students). Here students took part in a series of awe-inspiring demonstrations such as the infamous Whoosh bottle, more methane bubbles and had the opportunity to enter a competition where they solved Periodic Table riddles and walked along the scale model of Solar System in the 30s corridor, learning more about our neighbouring planets.

Whoosh bottle
Whoosh bottle
Whoosh bottle
Whoosh bottle
Methane bubbles
Flame test colours
Methane bubbles
Flame test colours

Thank you to all the Science staff involved in making this event such a success and a special acknowledgement to our wonderful Science technicians Ellyse Noy and Minoo Mohandez-Bargh, who without them, this would not have been possible and also to Will Taylor (8A), Andrew Martin (11B) and Sarah McIntosh for recording the demonstrations to generate these images.