Student Awards


Term 3, Week 4


Key Learning Area


Living Well, Learning Well

Respect the Environment

KBElsie ConroyArchibald Foster
KWArchie FraterWilder Davey
1 RLThaddeus BushbyAriella Gourel de St Pern
1 VFlorence CuellTigerlily McIlrick
2 CKenwood BurgmannJude Duncan
2 FCharlotte DicksNatalie Phelps
3/4 CMGeorgie FordBonnie White
3/4 HMolly FosterHenry Maxwell
3/4 RFJaxson RushbyJoseph Campbell
5/6 MEzrah WateneTilly Varcoe
5/6 QHunter DradyIvy Towner
5/6 SSayul Kankanam ArachchigeLogan Gillmore




Congratulations to the recipients of of the Class Awards;

Assembly Award    -    3/4 H

Tidiest Class Award    -  2 F








Families and friends are invited to attend our Awards Assembly every second Friday at

 2:45pm under the COLA.  


At this assembly, awards will be presented for the Key Learning Area Award, the Living Well, Learning Well Award, the Assembly Award and Tidiest Class Award. 






Term 3 Assembly Schedule

Week 6 - Friday 30th August

Week 8 - Friday 13th September - LWLW Principal's Award






Living Well, Learning Well


The Living Well, Learning Well (LWLW) framework demonstrates unconditional student support to increase their learning, wellbeing and life opportunity outcomes. Each fortnight we will focus on a practice from each of the themes. 


Our theme for this fortnight is 'Apply Myself'