Athletics Carnival a soggy success!

This past Wednesday we held our annual House Athletics Carnival.  It was another amazing morning of track and field feats.  The level of participation from students was outstanding.  This year we had the worst weather than I can recall in all of the Carnival's I've attended.  But despite the wind and rain, everyone had smiles on their faces and gave it their best effort.  I was so pleased to see so many parents and carers on hand to support their children.  A huge thank you to our PE teacher Andy.  This was Andy's first Athletics Carnival at Naranga and it went really well even with the difficult conditions.  One of the strengths of our staff team is how they get involved in these types of events and make them a success.  At the end of the day, the whole school gathered together for the big announcement, the winner for 2024 was SAFE HOUSE!



This week I received official news that Naranga School has been awarded a Gold level accreditation for its School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support implementation.  This is the highest level of achievement in the SWPBS program.  I'm extremely proud of the efforts of the whole school to make this a reality.



In other news, we had our first School Council meeting with our new Council on Tuesday. We endorsed our 2023 Annual Report.  The Annual Report will be available on the school website soon.  I do still have one position remaining on the Council for a Community member.  Please contact the office if you think you could help us out on the Council this year.



This week has seen dramatic progress in the school build project.  By the time you read this article, the entire building will be demolished.  This is happened in four days!  Next week they will demolish the slab which will allow the next phase of construction to begin.  It's been very exciting, and noisy.  Students in the Lower Juniors have been competing for positions at the top of the playground as it has the best view of the demolition.  Mr Bacon and myself have also spent time standing at the top of the playground taking in the view.  It has been amazing to watch it all happen.



Next week is the last week of term.  We finish on Thursday as the following day is Good Friday.  The End of Term Awards assembly will happen at 9am on Thursday 28 March. Families are very welcome to attend this assembly where we will recognise the top student achievers of term 1.



You may be aware that Naranga School participates in the ResourceSmart Schools program.  The objective of ResourceSmart is to work with Sustainability Victoria to embed sustainability across school facilities, community, and curriculum, while saving resources and money for the school.  This term we received our third star in sustainability certification to show that we are transforming our school environment.  The third star was due to reducing our overall waste and improving our biodiversity.


Have a good weekend,

Kai Pukarinen
