Library News

Premiers’ Reading Challenge 2025 – Let’s Get FWPS Reading!
We’re excited to have all our students participating in the Premiers’ Reading Challenge this year! Login details have been given to every child to enable them to participate (keep reading for helpful instructions and hyperlinks).
Prep – Year 2 Students
Our younger readers will be enjoying books and participating in the Challenge at school with their teachers. We’re aiming to read 3 books per week over the next 10 weeks to meet the 30-book goal. Teachers will be keeping track of books they read during storytime, brain breaks, or eating time. Even though we are completing the Challenge at school, you have been given your child’s login so that you can add additional books you are reading at home if you wish.
Year 3 – 6 Students
Students in Years 3 to 6 will be logging their own books through the online portal. Students will practise logging in during class to ensure everyone can access the portal before login details are sent home. The portal link and instructions will also be shared via Google Classroom.
Important Information for Parents:
- Students in Grades Prep to 2 can include books you have read with them.
- Students in Grades 3 to 6 should log books they have read independently or to someone else.
- The focus is on encouraging participation and doing their best. If students don’t meet the target, there’s no issue – they simply won’t receive a certificate, and individual performance won’t be highlighted.
- All books must be logged online by Thursday 4th September.
- If login details are lost, students can request a new code during their library session.
To login to the portal:
- Click on the link above.
- Select the School/Student button.
- Select the VPRC login option.
- Enter your username and password.
- Select Login.
To search for books on the challenge booklist:
To read the Premier’s letter to parents, view the book lists and for more information about the Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge, visit:
Supporting Local Business - The Chestnut Tree
Our lovely local bookshop has also been in touch to say they have set up a display in-store full of books from the challenge for our avid readers who like to fill their personal libraries.
If you have any questions or need support, please contact Shannon, our Challenge Co-ordinator.
Let’s get reading!