Pupil of the Week

Award winners for this week

Alexander PACFor consistently applying your personal best effort to all learning tasks. Excellent effort!
Tex PAKFor being a kind, respectful member of our class and for the enthusiasm you bring to class each day. 
Alisi PBDFor being a friendly and caring student who always includes others and makes sure everyone feels welcome. Keep it up!
Matilda PHMFor consistently showing kindness to others and always being helpful. You're a star!
Ava PMMFor being a respectful and enthusiastic learner. Thank you for helping make PMM a happy place to be! 
Dom  1JIFor consistently demonstrating the School Value of Resilience, especially during whole class activities. You're a superstar!
Edo 1LEFor the positive way you interact with your classmates and learning in 1LE. Keep up the fabulous effort Edo. 
Aria 1LJFor the growth mindset and enthusiasm you have shown during numeracy sessions. Keep up the fantastic effort!
Cora 1MMFor being such a kind member of 1MM. You always include others and model the value of Belonging. Well done Cora!
Ziggy 2AMFor consistently showing resilience by trying her best and not giving up when faced with a challenge. Super effort Ziggy!
Ava 2BGFor being a wonderful friend and classmate and consistently practising all of our school values in her day. Thank you Ava!
Ivy 2CWFor the confidence you shared when contributing to our classroom discussions in Math this week. Keep it up Ivy!
Nina 2EPFor demonstrating resilience each day by bouncing back when speed bumps occur. Keep it up Nina - you rock!
Poppy 2TNFor demonstrating the school value of respect and applying personal best in your classwork. Well done Poppy. 
Manha 3CGFor demonstrating tremendous resilience and responsibility everyday by striving for her personal best. Keep up the effort Manha! 
William 3DMFor showing resilience towards his learning tasks, accepting all challenges and for not being afraid to make mistakes. Keep it up!
Matilda 3MPFor demonstrating a positive attitude when receiving feedback and making changes to improve your work. Well done, Matilda!
Otis 3TMFor your enthusiasm and engagement during our grade 3 camp at the zoo. Well done Otis!
Xavier 4CLFor your consistent hard work, ambition, and ability to apply new learning. Exceptional effort, Xavier!
Cara 4LWFor the effort she puts into making the class a brighter and more welcoming space. Well done Cara!
Jeremy 4MKFor always demonstrating respect towards others and tackling tasks with a positive attitude. Well done! 
Tash 4TFFor demonstrating consistent enthusiasm to all her learning activities. You are setting a great example for 4TF, Tash!
Brigid 5DWFor the confidence you have shown in maths lessons when sharing your new learning. Keep believing in yourself, Brigid!
Sudi 5HLFor being the best on ground during Grade 5 Sport. You showed resilience and inspired others. You're a superstar!!
Elliott 5TCFor being resilient and using his initiative to engage with the learning despite his injury.
Ronin 6MAFor the respect and responsibility he has consistently displayed from the beginning of the school year. Keep it up, Ronin!
Lachlan 6MIFor your consistent hard work in the orchard. You help others and demonstrate the value of responsibility all of the time! 
Divyanga 6MLFor demonstrating the value of responsibility by listening attentively, being organised and contributing to discussions. Fantastic!
Malik and King (Grade 4)Principal's AwardFor saving the life of a goldfish by noticing it was stuck by the gills and bringing this information to Mr Millar's attention. 
Otis in 2AMTheirCare AwardFor always being an awesome helper, using his manners and being friendly with other children and staff. Well done Otis!
Logan in 6MLThe Specialist TeamFor excellent participation in PE during the first half of Term 1.