Principal's Update

Caring Learning Growing: Every Child Every Day

Dear Families,


It was lovely at assembly this morning to see Prep Haase share their learning about senses with us. We also had so many awards presented for some extraordinary learning from the children. They are all working so hard.


Our 3B awards were also presented this morning. These awards are voted on by the children and they identify their peers that have shown behaviours that are safe, fair, and kind.










Congratulations to Halle, Gracie, and Henry T for their amazing effort at the Little Desert Cross Country, and a big good luck to Halle who has made it through to run at the Greater Western Cross Country. 


Our Grade 6 children are heading off to Urban Camp in Melbourne next Tuesday. They have a busy week ahead with lots of fun and learning to come. As always we thank our staff who take time away from their own families to ensure our children get to experience life in the city.


God bless and have a great weekend.

