From the Principal

 6 June, 2024


All our staff will participate in a Curriculum Day tomorrow with staff from Templestowe Valley PS and Donvale PS. The focus will be on improving planning practices and differentiating math tasks to meet students' needs.


We encourage students to challenge themselves in mathematics, fostering a growth mindset and resilience. Tackling complex problems helps students build confidence, improve skills, and gain a deeper appreciation for math. Our goal is to support all students in their mathematical journey and inspire them to reach their full potential.


Being numerate means using mathematics confidently. Research shows that attitudes and misconceptions about math starts early, so it's crucial to address and challenge both personal and community beliefs about learning math.


It was wonderful to hear about the thoughtful students at POPS. Emmerson, Imogen, Milla, and Imaan who brightened our year six teachers' day with a surprise act of kindness, thanking them for all they do. Their heartfelt message truly made an impact. If you’re unfamiliar with the concept of Bucket Filling and its story, please click below.


Mrs Bullen and I have noticed many students wearing incorrect uniforms, such as non-black shoes, green jackets without the school logo, and colourful hair ties.


The Park Orchards Primary School Uniform policy outlines our expectations for student dress and appearance. The policy aims to:

  • Foster a sense of community and belonging
  • Encourage students to take pride in their appearance
  • Promote equality among students
  • Reduce competition based on clothing
  • Enhance the school's profile and identity in the wider community

PSW is our official uniform supplier, and we also offer pre-loved uniforms at very reasonable prices.


Weeks 9-11

Mrs Schaper, our Canteen Manager, will be on leave during weeks 9 to 11. Parent volunteers have kindly offered to help run the canteen in her absence. To assist our volunteers, there will be some changes to the menu and operation of the canteen:

  • Wednesdays: Only sushi rolls will be available for purchase.
  • Thursday and Friday: Normal menu
  • No over-the-counter sales at lunchtime.
  • Week 11: The canteen will be closed.

Please be understanding and thank the parent volunteers for their assistance during this period.




Congratulations to all the students who represented the school in the Division Cross Country on Tuesday. A special shout-out to Joshua S for coming first in his event and qualifying to compete in the Regional Cross Country competition. Great job, Joshua!



Have a great weekend,

Ms Garrity



  • Go to the From the Classroom Page to read about 
  • Foundation Enrolment applications are now open and will close by Friday, July 26,2024.

Key Dates:

Fri June 7- Curriculum Day (Student Free Day)

Mon June 10- Public Holiday