A to Z
Information for students & families
A to Z
Information for students & families
Ambulance - In the event that an ambulance is required to attend, the family (not the school) is liable for the cost. Personal Ambulance subsciption will negate this cost.
Personal Insurance - Families should note that there is no Department of Education or BSC insurance that covers theft, damage or injury. Some insurance companies offer insurance to cover students at school.
If a student is absent for any reason, the parent/guardian must approve this absence.
This can be done in a number of ways:
Arriving Late
Lateness to class has a negative impact on student learning and is disruptive to other students. Students are expected to arrive at school no later than 8.50am so that they have time to visit their locker, reach their classroom and to be seated ready to learn at 9.00am.
School gates are closed at 9.00am. Students arriving after this time, for any reason
Leaving Early
If a student needs to leave school early, a parent/carer must supply written permission.
Students leaving early must
Click on the images below to view Bell Times.
The school runs a system using music and warning bells to assist students to be on time for their classes. This alerts students to upcoming bells, giving them adequate time to move towards lockers and between classrooms.
At BSC we encourage the use of bicycles to and from school
students must walk their bikes when within the school grounds
bicycles should be kept in the school bike shed (located between the Auditorium and F block) or at allocated bicycle racks (Auditorium East, D Block West, D Block East)
students must place a lock on their bike and be aware that the school cannot be held responsible for any loss of personal property
The Brunswick Star is an online newsletter produced twice per term. The BSC community is alerted to new editions via Compass News feed. The newsletter and archives can also be accessed via the school website (BSC website under News) and the current newsletter link is always available on Compass under the Favourites Star.
The Brunswick Star is filled with photos of students and regular news about learning, excursions and special events undertaken at the school.
School-wide and significant events are listed on our website calendar. The calendar link is conveniently available via the Compass Favourites Star. This calendar is continually updated throughout the year as events are approved.
Please note, excursions and camps that relate to particular subject studies are not listed on the website calendar, but appear on relevant student Compass Dashboards for timely reference by students, parents and carers.
The school canteen stocks a range of hot and cold food for purchase. Lunch orders can be lodged online prior to 9.00am. The link for lunch orders can be accessed via the Compass Favourites menu. Mobile phones cannot be used to pay for canteen food.
The Canteen
Download the free Compass App to your smart phone via your app/play store for easy access.
Read the Compass User Guide for help on how to best use the Compass system and/or refer to the All about Compass article in this handbook.
The school has an online Curriculum website, which includes the Instrumental Music and Cocurricular Programs. This site can be accessed here or via Compass under the Favourites star.
This website provides detailed information on curriculum at each year level.
All Year 7 students receive a Study Planner. This planner explains the expectations, uniform, and bell times as well as providing tips regarding homework and time management. It also has a place to record your timetable for the week.
Year 8 students should use a paper diary, and Years 9 to 12 students may choose between a paper or digital diary.
Information about the School Preferred Devices can be accessed here.
All students are given a locker and should use a combination padlock to keep their belongings secure.
Students are permitted to access their lockers
Students are not permitted to access lockers during class time or between Periods 1 & 2.
Students who are unable to access their locker (have forgotten their combination or the lock is faulty) should go to the General Office who will recover their combination for them or arrange for maintenance staff to cut off the lock.
For best security
The school cannot be held responsible for any loss of personal property.
The library is a popular destination for many students and offers many opportunities for learning enrichment.
must demonstrate respect for the library staff, space and other students using the area
can obtain loan laptop devices from the library. These devices can only be obtained before 9.00am, and must be returned at the end of the school day
are welcome to access the school library before school, recess, lunchtime and after school. Games and activities are available for student use - and there are lots of books on hand to read!
must not bring bags into the library - these can be left in the foyer pigeonholes
General practice:
Mobile Phones must be securely stored in student lockers for the school day including lunch and recess.
Many of the school’s policies can be found on the BSC website under Our School. These are commonly sought policies including Child Safety, engagement and wellbeing, uniform, anaphylaxis and privacy statements. However, school policies are not limited to those on the website. Should a student/parent/carer seek a specific policy that is not listed on the site, they are welcome to contact the office to obtain a copy of the relevant document.
The Mobile Phone Policy, Privacy Policy and Uniform Policy are included in this issue of the Brunswick Star for your quick reference.
The student-use Prayer Room is located in A8.
This room can be accessed for prayers during Lunchtime (L2) and Recess.
Every student has access to the printing and photocopying services at the school, primarily accessed via the photocopiers in the library.
Students use their compass ID cards to initiate printing. There is a cost to this service and students who do not have enough credit will not be able to print.
All members of the Brunswick Secondary College community - including staff, families and students - are expected to demonstrate respect and good manners in their interactions.
Refer to Values & Expectations in this newsletter.
Victorian school term dates are published on the Department of Education & Training website. Click here.
All students are expected to attend school in full school uniform.
Please note that Sports Uniform and runners may be worn on any day, however MUST be worn if a student has a Sport activity, Physical Education or Sport Education class. On these days, students can change in/out of the sports uniform at school if preferred.
Year Level Coordinators monitor compliance with the Uniform Policy and contact parent/carer(s) as required.
Where a student is out of uniform, the student